I have totally flaked on this, but Bart pointed out that it isn't "the 7 consecutive day meme". ;)
the 7 days meme:
Day one •
a pictureDay two •
a songDay three • a book
Day four • a site
Day five • a youtube clip
Day six • a quote
Day seven • whatever tickles your fancy
The Outlaws of Sherwood, by Robin McKinley
Okay, maybe it's cliche to pick a Robin Hood story, but this is my favorite version, and it's one of those books I re-read when I need something familiar and comforting. I love almost everything about this book and I can totally forgive historical inaccuracies. (Possibly reading
the author's article about the writing of it helped.) The female characters are really strong, too, which is sometimes lacking in Robin Hood stories. Marian is fantastic and stubborn and strong, and a better archer than Robin. Cecily is amazing too, and I love her. It's a very different take on Robin, and I like it. I like the way she twists and changes the traditional Robin Hood legend and makes it different enough to be interesting and at the same time, still recognizably a Robin Hood tale. I mean--her Robin is a reluctant hero, whose priorities are keeping himself and his people alive, but he still does things he shouldn't if his friends are threatened.
Also, he's the worst archer of the group, which never fails to amuse me. Especially since everyone outside of Sherwood Forest thinks he is as amazing as all the other stories say.
Robin sighted along the shaft of his new arrow. "So?"
Marian smiled. "So the outlaws of Sherwood, renowned, as they are, for their archery, cannot possibly stay away from such a contest."
"Why not?" said Robin, genuinely surprised.
"Why, for the golden arrow," said Marian.
"Golden arrow? And what would we do with a golden arrow? Give it to Alan for a lute-string? I could hang it around my neck on a chain, perhaps, and let it stab me in the ribs when I tried to sit."
"And your honour as an outlaw?" Marian suggested.
Robin set down his arrow and laughed. "My honour as an outlaw concerns staying alive; and presenting my neck anywhere near the sheriff of Nottingham, who feels it wants lengthening, did he recognize it, runs directly counter to that honour. Besides, you know I can't shoot a pig's sneeze." -- p.112
Seriously, what good is a golden arrow to outlaws living in a forest? I love that. I don't know. I guess it's just a book that makes me happy.
And a bonus meme:
Your Primary Mood Color is Blue
You are a sensitive and reflective person. You have a good intuition for emotions.
You can sense what people are feeling and even sometimes what they are thinking.
You communicate well, and you're also a good listener. You cherish your friends, and every word they say is important to you.
You are always there for the people you love, and you expect the same in return. You crave deep connection and understanding.
What's Your Primary Mood Color? Blogthings: Free Quizzes for Everyone Oh, wait, and it's the first of the month!
Scarborough Fair/Canticle, Simon and Garfunkel
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt
(On the side of a hill in the deep forest green)
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
(Tracing a sparrow on snow-crested ground)
Without no seams nor needlework
(Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain)
Then she'll be a true love of mine
(Sleeps unaware of the clarion call)
Tell her to find me an acre of land
(On the side of a hill, a sprinkling of leaves)
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
(Washes the ground with so many tears)
Between the salt water and the sea strand
(A soldier cleans and polishes a gun)
Then she'll be a true love of mine
Tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather
(War bellows, blazing in scarlet battalions)
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
(Generals order their soldiers to kill)
And to gather it all in a bunch of heather
(And to fight for a cause they've long ago forgotten)
Then she'll be a true love of mine
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine
I think this continues the theme of 'huh?' for this month's songs.
...And I think that catches me up on the memes? :P