What the FUCK is a stop-and-frisk policy??
See, here's the thing that bugs me about indie media (or IndyMedia, as it were). It selects its information as the "the information you're not hearing" and what not, but at the same time, a lot of it are personal stories that you can't find anywhere else, so on the one hand, you don't know if what you're getting is correct, unedited information, but on the other hand, you don't know if it's something the media has unfairly not reported on because of their associations.
In this case, Molly fwded me information about a house raid, because of this policy, but the only story I can find is the one that was fwded, although on some websites it says 2007, and on some it says 2008. So.
In any event, I'm much more concerned with this fucking policy existing at all.