OOC: On the "Consequences" of RP.

May 05, 2016 18:53

Roleplaying is a thing we do to work creatively, to get away from real life for a little while, or just to have a little fun being silly. Those whom we roleplay with are engaging in this activity for the same reasons. It is only natural, then, that there will be times that the RP of our friends will wind up being RP that we, ourselves, do not enjoy. After all, we are not the same. This does not mean that we have to cut off RP with those people; though there may be times when this is the best course of action whether because their RP begins to impact ours in extremely negative ways or because we find ourselves, the players, getting too close to the situation.

While it may be acceptable, and even understandable, to remove oneself from role play with a situation one is uncomfortable with, it is not, however, acceptable to attempt to pressure people we call friends to cease their RP because we do not like it. Similarly, it is unacceptable to pressure people we call friends to cease their RP because it is with people we have chosen not to like. Friends are not required to like the same people, after all.

Some number of years ago, I learned this lesson the hard way. I was in a fairly dark point in my life, and I was using RP as my main means of coping. One of my characters' RP was very closely tied to a character belonging to someone I considered then (and still do consider, though I've not been able to speak to them in quite some time) a very good friend. Their RP began to take turns that I did not like, and I made the mistake of attempting to pressure them to change their RP by telling them that it would have negative effects on our RP.

They stuck to their guns, and called me out on being an ass. They were right to do so, which I quickly realized. I eventually got my head out of my ass and apologized, and things seemed to get better between us. Unfortunately, the friendship was never entirely the same. I can't say whether the friend ever fully forgave me or not, but I do know that I did not. As a result, I always felt awkward RPing with that friend afterward, and our RP eventually largely separated.

Recently, a friend has done similar to me, and I hope they happen to see and read this. I hope they understand when I say the following (and that I say it here rather than to them because I have no other means of communicating with them at present):

If you are so uncomfortable with my RP that you cannot RP with me, that is understandable. I do not hold it against you, and I will remain your friend regardless.

The thing I will not stand for is attempting to pressure me to change said RP by claiming to me that there will be "consequences" or that you "will not want to RP with Character X".

Do RP or do not RP. But do not threaten or "warn".

You've said you want me to take time to be "introspective" and "review my actions". I would encourage you to use that time to do the same, because your actions endanger a friendship that has held true for a very, very long time.

I am not angry with you any longer, and I am more than willing to forgive you (in fact already have). Were you to contact me right now, I would treat you as the friend you have always been.

But I will not tolerate future "warnings" of "consequences".

These are my guns. I am sticking to them.
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