17. Tongue
I'm only reminded of yamaneko? And his famous tongue move... what else can I say really I don't know but also whenever kame is thinking deep or being embarrassed he would wet his lips with his tongue , you can know he is a bit embarrassed from that J
18. Touchy
It was so funny once on an episode of KATTUN Cartoon when kame Chan was so surprised that the other members do not even hold hands with any other friend, he said that he sometimes complement the other friend and grab his hand...This in my opinion represents warmth and care ..when kame makes friends he will give it all that’s why it shows like that, I know how guys think , that being manly and all ..Kame is like that but he has a lot of emotions and sincerity that’s why he kind of gets touchy ^^ I hope you did not get confused but that’s how I think.
19. Cooking
That's the part that kame Chan really really loves , any fan of course have noticed that kame would become another person when he is cooking , serious and calm . He said that his dishes would look like a beginner's dishes but still he loves to cook, also he won'tmemories any receipt which is so funny that I myself can't cook XD . I loved when he cooked for OhnoKun in Arashinishyagare because he cooked really professionally and was so respecting toward his senpaiJthe best part is that he loves a woman who can clean after his mess when he cooks so it's ok if he keeps on cooking instead of her...How romantic J
20. Sexy
Johnny's sex symbol is: KAMENASHI KAZUYA. I keep wondering, when did he start to have this rule anyway? When he was so young? Did he want to be a cool type or sexy? Or both. Because in general he is so much the cool manly and sedative type to me and I think he is only sexy on stage. As I said I have known a lot of groups before and kame Chan is really so hot and have his own moves and groove let's say. He can be cute, funny, lovable and sexy all in the same time...You can feel all of this just by listening to his voice so how if you are watching him? Anyways I don’t really describe kame Chan by sexy because I think it's so extreme while he is cool would be better for me J
21. Perfectionist
There was that incident that made me think he is more than perfectionist. When they were young he asked Ueda why he did not cover for a mistake that one of the member done on stage. And they got into a fists fight because Ueda holds different ideals...what kame meant was to do anything to protect KATTUN and make the group perfect , it's not about one's self nor image , it means perfectionism and selflessness which kame have got when he was so young , really proud of this guy Jproud that I know such an idol .
22. Teaser
Kame Chan is not a teaser what so ever , but I think that kame Chan loves to funk around and laugh with people but I never saw him do a joke on someone to just have fun , I think it will sound weird if I only praise kame Chan ..But really can't see but good things in him J Ok to be fair, kame Chan sometimes looks like he feels offended by some remarks and his reactions are the best...make sure you watch closely for those moments.
23. Cool
This word I always hear kame Chan say it...he wants to be cool and to look cool...since a young age he wanted people to see kamenashikazuya in an image that is so special for him only that’s why he always says that kamenahsi is someone that is different from his real self . For some reason I find this kind of weird? but the reality is that he is the same it's just that he puts a lot of effort and a lot of strong front when he is specifically on stage or with KATTUN members otherwise he is so natural and humble . So in all cases he is so cool for whoever he is J
24. Flawless
Kame said when he was about 20 years: "whenever I'm tired or can't just continue I would say I'M KAMENASHI ..To move forward and encourage myself "now kame is 32 years and he is the great kame that we know. Unlike a lot of other celebrities who reach a level then give up because they had enough , kame strives for more , he wants to be perfect in acting , singing being in a group like forever . That’s how flawless he is...I just wished that kattun had a leader in that case kame would be the leader, don't hate me but I just remotely wished that ^^
25. Famous
Thinking about it now, kame Chan is just SO famous and I think every female celebrity secretly wants to act with him at least a CM. lets see for what kame chan is famous ..Ok famous for being the very enthusiastic baseball in Johnny's and maybe in all the celebrities that’s why he is in going! , famous for his unique acting and I think the movie Ore Ore proves it , famous for his singing ability and dancing that I LIKE so much , famous just because of his fashion style and being one of the most stylish idols out there ..Please keep on being famous kame ChanJ
Kame Chan'sbutai is the best, very creative and rich with new ideas, recently I was so surprised with his stage on the live show, flying while conducting a show with a meaning it was a mind blower to be honest. I think all KATTUN have their unique style in butai,ueya always wild and new every time,nakamaru is kind of mysterious while kame would be the kamenashi kazuya that we all know and wait for, in short when I watch his stages I would think how much he wants to do something new and how much he have energy and ideas to entertain us.
27. Talkative
Kamenashi kazuya have a very talkative personality,it's not just talking but he loves to explain a lot and to talk with people, he is an extrovert obviously and so lovable for that. In a show (Night shuffle golden) the MC was so surprised that there was Johnny's idol who is so talkative and loving like kame Chan..Whenever there is a chance, kame will explain his mind and opinions which is so clever also, clever people always like that and he is definitely the leader kind of person.
As much as I know that akame were so famous and all (because I was not around with kattun fans at akametime) but I have seen a lot of things said like they were just an image and that they both did not get along that well... I don’t want to believe anything. Looking at some old kattun videos I can say they were serving fans well XD the couple that every fan wants? For me I won't be affected by this I love solo people...weird but that’s me ;) Also although I didn’t know akanishi but sometimes I wonder how would things look like if he is still around with kattun ? Maybe no one would leave?
29. as senpai
From my point of view I think kame likes to be a senpai that others look forward to, he encourages kohais and don't hesitate to praise them specially if within Johnny's. lately in music show he praised some kohais that danced with them in "Ask yourself" and he said that he is proud of them that they can do all of this in this young age that he even himself have got praised to be like that ^^ always surprises me with his kindness .
30. as Kohai
You should see how respectful kame is when he is around senpai J let me specifically talk about arashi since I also love them and he appears to be a great fan of all of them and I can't believe how humble and loving he would be when he is around them, you can see how silent and quiet he would be and kind of wants to show them his respect. I thank them so much for granting him his wish to dance with them on "Arashinishyagare"to "A.R.A.S.H.I" .
31. Mature
Even Johnny have said that kame showed a lot of matureness from a very young age, he is a very bright and optimistic and above all he is very clever which all made him so mature. You would be surprised about this but I have known him when I watched "tatta hitotsu no koi " on the recommendation of someone , so when I was watching I just knew he was so young , around 20 years , and just by watching him portraying the character I knew for sure how mature he was .
32. Image
The best thing about idols is that they keep an image, their real selves or not, they all mean the same but the difficult part is how to keep that image and how to nourish it so it won't die and be forgotten. kame Chan is one of few who kept his image till now as if it was just presented, freshness and creativity and even transferred that to kattun so you can feel how kattun are still moving forward even after all the hardships . What I wish is that kame Chan and kattun continue more and more together no matter what J
Thank you for reading ^^ Hope you liked it .
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PS: The polling will start hopefully next week because they are still many participants who want to submit their entries. Let's give them opportunity to join and spread love for kame more. For you who just start writing or are interested in participating, don't worry, you still have time. So good luck everyone (/^-^(^ ^*)/ ♡
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