Uh. I've never done this before, but I really feel like I've been a bad friend. ;_; I've disappeared too much... I think. I barely get the chance to open LJ. X(
October 7th ~ October 26th
Well, I had a one-week holiday last week BUT i did nothing but assignments, assignments, and fucking assignments--wait no, I didn't fuck them. I didn't even get the chance to hang out at the mall, or even at my bro's house. AND I'll have midterm starting next Monday so... T__T
Oh, the extra Tech Drawing class is over. It was really exhausting, but I'm happy because I think I've improved even just a little. Well, at least the lecturer have upgraded me from "stupid pupil" to "assistant of lecturer's assistant"... wtf, does it make sense?? XD;; Apparently, he is not just an architect--he's a painter, if not a master of watercolors and all. Probably a genius one too.
I really, really miss you guys though ;___; I want to read through all your posts. I've missed out a lot of things I want to catch up. Lots of my flists are making progress with their crushes / boys! Congrats to all of you maybe? XD Ahh dear assignments, how I want to rip your face and kill you a couple of times. THEY KEEP REINCARNATING. ASIDE FROM REPRODUCING. SERIOUSLY. I was like, "One down, go me!!!" and the next day a lecturer gave me three or more tasks, as in to "revise" my unsatisfying work. *brain explodes*
Be right back, everyone. I hope you guys will be doing super well! ♥ ♥ ♥ *huggles*