Title: Not For Me (11/12)
Author: citrinesoul
Rating: PG 13 for some angsty mutants, etc
Words: 1,033
Summary: Kitty deals less than gracefully with the fallout of Bobby's attention
Disclaimer: (Insert cheeky remark here,) they don't belong to me.
I’m so grateful to everyone who commented on the last chapter, thank you so much, you really made my day.
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Comments 2
Poor Peter, he's too rightful and kind. Sorry, but I'm with Kitty. I know what it feels that a guy breaks with you for another. And I believe that it won't stand good for the 'another' if they're good friends.
This was a very heartfelt chapter, very deep. I loved the interaction between Kitty and Peter. It was sweet and also sad. I hope everything turns alright between those two. Thank goodness Jubilee stopped Kitty in time. She would've definitely regretted it.
more more more! :P
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