Title: The Great Unknown
Fandom: Digimon Adventure/02
Genre: General/Romance
Summary: It all started with a question that had sounded innocent enough. Taishiro.
Total Length: ~4900 words
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluff and boykissing
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, I just really like it. Some might say a little too much.
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Comments 4
Do you have any idea how much I love you right now?! T_T
It would've been a crime for you to keep this under wraps. I'm so glad you finally posted it.
Beautiful, adorable, sweet as sugar, but still dorky and in-character.
This is definitely my favorite "entering the digital world" sequence I've had the pleasure to read, and you tied it in so nicely with "later events". The Koushiro POV was the perfect vehicle for this. I can really feel him thinking, sensing, feeling, trying to balance the three and to make sense of it all.
Fall is the best season. One ridiculously nice week is all we get here, too. Yay for making the most of fleeting, beautiful weather. (Thanks for not using cherry blossoms, though. You did the world right. Lol.)
I'm going to give you a well-deserved Fav on FF.net now.
Also, cherry blossoms?? Pssh, who needs 'em! Actually, my two favorite weeks of the year are that one nice week in fall and the one week in May when the lilacs bloom ^^;
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