I love a good cliff-hanger but thanks for confusing the heck out of me, Toboso-san.
I have to admit being puzzled over how the heck this is going to end up, unless Sebastian can prove that he has some mad skills when it comes to faking a corpse.
So things are going the Cluedo route, like guy killed in a locked room Cluedo. At the moment they think it's Earl Phantomhive, in the lounge with a dagger. But of coarse, the dipshits are wrong. Why? Because the chained Ciel to a 'volunteer' (In the form of a lowerclass wordsmith) for the night.
Also, lolled at the wordsmith trying to figure out the culprit and coming to the conclusion that Sebastian and Meilin killed the guy so they could run off together (because a Butler can't marry without his Lord's permission.)
I have to admit, the thing with Ciel only being able to sleep with a certain pillow was cute. Oh Ciel, keep showing us that you are a child and maybe people will stop thinking that you and Sebastian together at this age totally works. :| That's about as creepy as the Circus arc when you figured out the motivation behind the kidnaps.
But anyway, Sebastian does his usual 'Almighty Butler' thing by making sure things are sorted out for the next three days without his supervision. Which kind of cottons you on to the fact he's planning something (especially with his request that a messenger owl be set free at dawn.) But of coarse, he wasn't planning what you were expecting. Why? cos the next morning he's found dead, and not dead in the 'lol, I can just get over this even with a bullet to the brain' way. No, dead in the 'baam, you're gone.' way.
So what the fuck is he planning? He's let everyone see that he's dead, Ciel has pitched a fit over his Butler not waking up and shown, once again, that he is a child underneath it all. I'm guessing that if this was planned, then this was Sebastian's way of making sure Ciel was cleared of being a suspect, but what about him being Ciel's Butler? and if it comes out that he was faking, then that looks even more suspicious right?
Goddamn February 18th, hurry the fuck up. I'm more interested in finding out what was going on in Sebby's head then the fact I get older.
Also, U-cubes@Ebay. Hurry the fuck up and post my Sebastian phone charm and Amazon? I WANT MY CHRISTMAS PRESENT FROM KAYA NOW KTHNX <3