You lucky people you
Local Area Network (Lan)
-soho (small office, home office)
-located within a confined area
-connected by wires or radio waves
-node: any network device
-host: always a computer - how I connect
-can be connected to the internet (usually one)
-requires host OS
Peer-To- Peer
-simple file and resource sharing
-home or small office
-less than a dozen hosts
-decentralized network no common bhase of users and passwords, difficult to manage
-everyone is equally in charge
-can hook all to one area network (home)
-all hosts have equal authority
-each hosts controls own resources
0individual user responsibility
-hosts can have different operating systems
-wires or wireless connections
-get to be complicated
if there are 12 different hosts/computers, and everyone needs to sign on together, that 144 different u/p's
-can allow remote access, but must set it up for every single person
Client/server model
-servers hold data and privide resouces
-clinets remotely access data and resources
-large scale
-centralized network
-one password for the entire thing
-server manages resources
-user accunts exist on a directory server
-requires a trained administrator
-also called domain model
-host lets you log in, sends to server to check for match, and validates
-single sign on (SSon) you don't need to sign on again and again
Segments and backbones
-break down large newtorks
-delinated by network
-transmission device
-excent cable length
-improve preformance
-increase security
-backbone is a high-speed link (directs data)
-needs sufficient bandwitch (like if each segment is doing 10 unites, and there are 10, should be over 100 units)
-it's likened to a freeway. A backbone is a transportation, never a destination
Network wiring
-can be physical or wireless
-type of wiring is important
-not always easy to shove in wires, and when that happens you can use wireless connections.
fiber optic
-carriest light based data
-strands of glass or plastic
-no thicker than a hair
-fastest/most expensive
-componotnents are a core, tglass tube and a rubberized jacket
-two types are single mode and multi mode
-can go for hundreds of kilomteters, and is now in the ocean.
Twisted pair
-four pairs of wires
-each pair are twisted around each other to cancel out EMI
-pairs twist together
-bunded with covering
-max run is 100 meteres
-follow guide to wire!
-the more you twist the shorter you cable becomes.
-best wiring and exapnsion capability
-combines cat5 or Cat6, other trnasmission cables, and a single PVC jacket
-layer of plastic or rubber
-layer of braided wire
-outside insulation
-uses BNC T-connect and a vampire tap
-examples are ethernet RG-58, and cable tv RG-6
Wireless LAN
-uses radio waves or infared light
-wireless NIC with antenna
-conveneient where physical cables aren't available or going to fit
-devices communicate direcxtly with LAN through WAP
-biggest problem/drawback is security
the star: uses a hub
-nodes connect to central network transmission device
-central device moves traffic
-single break doesn't affec tothers
-central device fails all communication fails
-most common types to use are hubs, routers, and switches
-continous line is formed
-nodes connected to next in line
-uses coaxial and T-connector
-end of line uses termination device
-terminator cancels singal
-information passes through each device
-data stops when it passes through correct node
-simple and idnexpensive design
-single break stops all communication
each node is connected to a central device by tywo wires
token ring uses MSAU (or MAUs)
data token passes around ring
node controls data is it has the token
data travels in the ring, although it has the physical apperance of a star
10 megbit limit?
break can cause a problem
all nodes have connections to all other nodes
very fault tolerant and scalable design
nodes need multible net cords
complex wiring scheme
high security
two or more types of topologies combined together
star/bus usesful for combining smaller networks into large
bus is backbone while little networks are stars off of the backbone
point-to point/point-to-multipoint
dedicated connection between two nodes
only two nodes communicate over connection
wirleless connection - radi owaves only going to accesws point
dial up connect to telephone
more than one node can speak
multiple connects to suit needs.
packet versus circuit switching nodes
data is borken up into packets
packets can be sent along different routes
packets are queued at desinations
original data is reassembled from packets in cue
-example of torrents, frame relay, X.25
good for LIVE qaudio and visual (livestreaming)
dedicated line allocated for data transmissions between two nodes
quick transmission
need for data arrival order
if broken line, need to find new line
not permanent
-example of cellphones.
Token Ring networks
-token ring had no contension'
ethernet is collision free now
slower speeds than ethernet
4Mbps or 16Mbps
Physically arranged in a star
data travels in a ring
Wireless LANs
-like a hub or switch, very much like a hub
-locat area network
emulate wired networks
issues in high security settings
but very good for flexibility and cost settings
don't use WEP! it's very easy to break/hack.
WAN bandwidth technologies
-spans larger geographical distances
connects multiple LANs using high speed communication lines
expand beyond own premise
typically lease data line from public carrier
-dialup system over telephone lines
connection isn't continiouous
phone and data store line only one can be used a a time
max speed = 56kbps
modem bonding combines speed of multiple modems
nearly a T1 in both directions
-little less secure
conceptioally we are sharing cable with neighobrs, like in a hub
-attracitve in rural where cable and dsl isn't avaible
uses dish muonted on a building to communicate with stationary sattelite in orbit
downlink-satellite (up to 1.5Mbps)/uplink dial-up
has latency
-public radio, celluar phone, one way paging, satellite, infared, and private, proprietary radi
more expensive to install and use
health concers/wireless network can interfer with other devices
two types: fixed point and mobile wireless
T lines and E lines
-fire digitized voice transmission
works with leased digital communiation line
transmit both voice and data
-24 channels, 64kbps each, total of 1.544Mbpds
-672 channels, total of 44.736Mbps
X.25 and frame relay (old technology)
-chopped into little peices and pushed onto network
permanent virtual connection
aren't dedicated line, you specifice the nodes and bandwidth requires
-carrier sends the data along any number of paths between two endpoints
advantage is that you only pay for the amount of bandwidth you require
-very fast
uses LANs and WLANs
uses cells to transmit data voice and video
each cell is 53 bytes, 48-bytes of data, 5-byte header
uses virtual circuits, PVC or SVCs
throughput of 622Mbps
best with fiber optic, but can use twisted pair
Layer 7- application layer
-how you interact with the OS
-software operating with OS
-me with my browser, or with Itunes
Layer 6 - Presentation Layer
-how it's formatted, or how it's saved
-graphics like jpeg, gif, png, or mp3's, and avi's
Layer 5 - Session Layer
-the connection maintained
-software as well
-it's like logging into amazon, or itunes, saves my data and makes that connection of communications
Layer 4 - Transport Layer
-begins to use protocols, like TCP
-packet exchange
-uses a common language that allows the communications, to help exchange
Layer 3 - Network layer
-help me figure out what address to send packets too, see IP address, and take best path to network
-more or less looks at the zipcode to go to the basic network
-uses routers
Layer 2 - Data Link layer
-attaches MAC address to send to exact address
-sends out a querey asking for the address, and is responded to with a MAC address
-uses bridges and switches to make intelligent decisions based upon the MAC address
Layer 1 - Physical Layer
-regulated the transmission stream over a medium
-copper, radio frequency, smoke signals
-conveys the 1 and the 0's
-can extend using a hub
half duplex - data is transmitted across the medium in both directions, but only in one direction at once
ethernet network - has a node waiting to send information until it determines that no other node is transmitting
both ISDN and DSL utilize analog phone lines
a point-to-point connection offers a dedicated connection between two nodes. Only those two nodes can communicate over the connection.
I feel like if you just read through any of that, you deserve one big fucking cookie.