
Apr 10, 2011 21:34

[Momiji is ducked behind the corner of a building, panting heavily. He's looking around wildly, clearly on the verge of panic.]

Kisa, stay inside. These things are going crazy! Just stay there until I can get back, or better yet, go find someone else in the building and stay with them.

[There's a loud noise as a shots are fired nearby, and he ( Read more... )

[ou] momiji sohma

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Comments 23

[Audio] bakudan_shounen April 11 2011, 02:38:57 UTC
Arrh shit! You guys too?!


[Audio] rosa_haschen April 11 2011, 02:40:15 UTC
No one else is with me. Where are you? How bad is it?


Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen April 11 2011, 02:46:59 UTC
Where's Kisa?

[They have a responsibility to protect the kids. If Dende and Kisa are together, then maybe they can do a better job of protecting them.]

I'm out... near the city. District four? [Fuck, it was really hard to tell with SAMM dropping all those barriers and the usual organization he maintained.]

[There's a blast in the distance and he grits his teeth before glancing around. He could probably find cover before the robots found him...]

I have no idea where they're coming from, but they're fucking persistent. Stay hidden and I'll reach you as soon as I can!

[And there's some weird scraping sounds as he tries to locate Momiji on his device while flying and keeping his eyes peeled.]


Re: [Audio] rosa_haschen April 11 2011, 02:59:11 UTC
I left her at the apartment. Where's Dende? Is he okay?

[He's having similar thoughts.]

I was coming back from the outer city place. I'm near the drive-through. Don't worry I don't plan to stay out in the open.

Be careful!


Video; albinoidiot April 11 2011, 15:01:23 UTC
Woah, woah! You guys okay? You got anyone takin' care of you guys?

[Dante did promise he would keep you all safe. SAVE THE LITTLE PRINCESS!]


Video; rosa_haschen April 11 2011, 18:53:09 UTC
I think Kisa's still in the apartment. Gokudera's coming this way.


Re: Video; albinoidiot April 11 2011, 21:50:22 UTC
That's good. I actually trust the guy.


Re: Video; rosa_haschen April 11 2011, 22:05:03 UTC
Where are you?


ctrldemons April 11 2011, 21:30:59 UTC
Momiji, you alright!?


rosa_haschen April 11 2011, 22:02:46 UTC
I'm-Don't worry about me. Are you okay?


ctrldemons April 12 2011, 00:02:11 UTC
I'm okay so far, just hiding right now.


rosa_haschen April 13 2011, 00:01:10 UTC
Where are you? A bunch of us are heading for the apartments. It'll probably be safer there with everyone protecting it.


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