Scene Title Mid-day Duldrum killing.
Characters Ashley and Claire.
Rating PG/TBA.
Open/Closed Open.
Greenville didn't lie about quite a few things. It was green. Check. It was sunny. Check. It had tons of people roaming campus and the safe streets? Check. It was incredibly bright and cheery especially during this time of the day? Check. and it was almost always clean. Double Check. because she was the one of the ones holding a broom handle in hand pushing it along in a way that suggested only recently learning how to do this had become a top priority.
Not that she never touched a broom before but actually taking the time to pay attention to how each swirl and scrap meant a better way to get up all the dirt had never really crossed her mind, she rarely ever had to clean her own bedroom until recently and really her arms ached dully in a way that caused a supression in whining.
Dear god, did she want to whine. Pout, call daddy, ask someone nearby to take the broom and do it for her. Presaude, bribe, whatever it took but then she stopped herself short, mumbling with a brief sigh tucking a long blond strand of hair behind her ear. "No use complaining. It'll just prove to daddy that I really am too spoiled for my own good, and ... I am but this sucks."
She never denied the spoiled part, never but the lazy part she tended to deny quite a bit. The last time she entered a Gym was two years ago in private school, she rarely participated unless it was a sport activity she considered fun, and the last time she really did anything was when she had to run around for almost two nights straight hiding from crazy villagers with axes and pitchforks. Not including the three days before that beating on crazy cult members' chest screaming at them to let her go.
The very thought made a break to her hands and start pushing the broom again, god she really had been lazy with a brief look back onto the bench where advanced algerbra and tech books sat, the pages blowing briefly in the breeze waiting on her fifthteen minute break.