Butterfly Effect entry

Feb 03, 2004 09:45

So, like I said before, we all went out to see The Butterfly Effect this weekend & it was completly amazing. The last movie that got me thinking this much was Matrix Reloaded & even that was kind of on the "well, that was interesting" side instead of "holy crap! someone captured it!"

In my opinion, this movie represents perfectly what life & love are all about. Ashton Kutcher gives a truly incredible performance & has made me say that his lack of acting in previous movies were because of possibly type-casting on the studio's part. The man can act! Amy Smart does a great job as well, but she seems the same as she has in every other movie I've seen her in......Starship Troopers, Varsity Blues, Road Trip, etc. This movie deals with predestination, fate, love, loss, pain, & the potential of the human mind. What I really loved about this movie was how they seemed to capture what true love really is.

Throughout the entire movie, Evan (ashton), keeps going back to moments in his past that for some reason he can't remember. But it was during these "blacked out" memories that something major happened that changed the course of not only his life, but everyone around him. But when he starts to remember what's going on, he realizes that he's actually there & can change what happened......so he does. He keeps trying & trying to change the world for the better. Prevent molestation, stop a pedophile, prevent murders, etc......all so the love of his life, Kayleigh Miller (amy smart), can be spared one of the many traumatic things that've happened to her. But as much as he tries, he just can't stop things from occuring. & Then he realizes the flaw in what he's doing: he's trying to keep her in his life. Her love for him is what keeps leading to the very things he wants to spare her from. So he gives it all up. He goes back to when they first meet & tells her something that will prevent her from ever wanting to like him. To me, that's what true love is. It's denial of self for the one you love. It's being able to give ANYTHING for that person......even if it means NOT giving yourself.

I wish I could go on & on about this & how beautiful the movie was, but everytime I sit down to type this out, a class comes in & I have to stop. The basic idea of this was to say that the movie is great & if you haven't gone to see it, you should. Kutcher gives a wonderful performance & the story will leave you speachless at the end.
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