Skipped school on wednesday , didnt help though , the stomache pain keeps coming back randomly , sucks , doc says food poisoning .. in bed all day except now .. my new cell no is .. +9656720179 , leave me a msg ..
thanks , i am preety good now , back to school , still taking my medicines though , yeah i could text maybe more than u could ! lol ! btw ur dp pic is pretty funny ! lol .. so whats new with you ! i mean ur school and crap .. g2g ..
Well that's good, I'm glad you didn't like die from food poisoning or anything. That really would've sucked. Was it food poisoning? Awesome, I can text unlimited (I think) cause I'm pretty sure my parents paid for unlimited texting. Which is great. What's a dp pic? Not too much's alright, I'd much rather it be summer, but oh well. We've only been in school for 2 weeks and I've already had a ton of homework, a test, and a few quizzes. It's not cool. But then I'm also taking AP Gov, which is a college class, so yeah there's gonna be a lot of homework. I think one of the best parts of the school year is riding the bus...well sometime, cause my bus ride home is an hour long (cause we all live out of district cause we're in the legal academy) so sometimes it's just like 'omg get me off this bus!' but yeah we usually make it fun. And the football games of course are awesome. There was one last night...we got our butts kicked really bad. I think it was like 32-3. So yeah that kinda sucked, but it was all good cause we met up with
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lucky you , a one hour drive isnt that bad , i mean i go to school and get back in 1 half hour and i get down the last and get on the first , thats sucks big tme , but its cool cause most of my mates are in my bus and we have a fun time .. but its tooo darn hot there , the damn ac is brken .. hot air .. and my schools been good too , i joined the volley team and had 2 mathches this week and won both and got to the semi finals , so on saturday are the finals , and thurday and the qualifying roun for finals .. wish me luck ! cause we re gonna play one of th toughest teams in kuwait ! wells thats all with me.. unlimited txting ? thats cool ! i get to pay 20 fils per msg and its same for international .. do u pay extra for international ,.. oh a dp is display picture !
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