Location: Ophara, the Hub, his office
For: Torchwood team
To: Torchwood Email Group
From: Harkness, J.
Subj: Bored yet?
Hey kids
You've studied enough. Time to put that new knowledge to use.
Our presence here isn't by accident. The Rift would have scattered us to the ends of the Universe unless there was a reason for us to be on Ophara. I know that doing this seems pointless since everyone knows about aliens here, perhaps even less glamorous but it is no less important. This leaves us with the inevitable question of "But Captain, what will we do?" (I like to pretend that sometimes you guys address me formally. ;) )
We will learn. This is perhaps the best environment for experiencing alien artifacts without worrying about secrecy. I don't plan on moving Torchwood here permanently, this is simply an outpost to study the Rift and.. as I said, there's a reason we're here. So try not to get too bored and experience all this planet has to offer. Learn about the devices and the customs. Enjoy their creativity but in the end remember where you are from, your past, the history of your race, your future, and what distinguishes you from the wonders of another planet. What makes you wonderful.
Oh, and while I'm on the topic of things that make humans unique, we're all taking a weekend off to go camping sometime this summer. Logistics are still fuzzy, the only thing I'm sure of is that we won't be working. Whatever I see you devious little tramps doing I will completely and utterly overlook for the duration of the trip and promptly forget at the end of the weekend. ;) Or use to fuel my twisted fantasies for the rest of time. (I'm looking at you, Owen. Not that you don't already fuel my twisted fantasies.)
In the list of upcoming events is the Lord Chancellor's ball, Gwen, update me on what you've found please. The rest of you can expect your assignments at the party by the end of the week.
Mickey, figure out Ianto's coffee machine, will you? You're the only one qualified to handle alien technology of that caliber.
*admits to himself that he's amused by Mickey's rather abusive email back and that it put him in a better mood than before*