Hmm I read the earlier post actually, but the thing is I think the probability of them picking an integer at random here is not quite valid.
They're picking an integer at random yes, but within a limited mindspace, say from 1 to 1000. It is extremely unlikely their mindspace will be extended to some insanely big number.
Which is still random, though however random it may be compared to choosing from a larger set is something I'm not in a position to comment on.
Comments 3
What's the chance A or B would choose 6 as compared to 264364363463263634634623466346262626234623463426362364?
Most definitely not the same.
of course, if your point is that it is not possible that they are, then read on.
They're picking an integer at random yes, but within a limited mindspace, say from 1 to 1000. It is extremely unlikely their mindspace will be extended to some insanely big number.
Which is still random, though however random it may be compared to choosing from a larger set is something I'm not in a position to comment on.
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