Just back from skiing, and I should be working. Instead, I've formatted the next 50 entries of "You Know You're Too Into QAF When..." So, here goes....
You Know You're Too Into QAF When...(PART TWO)
51. You show up somewhere with friends and you're all pissed off and they ask what's wrong. Your response (because you've been re-watching every episode) is something like "Ethan is just a stupid asshole!" And they wonder who Ethan is and what you're even talking about.
52. When you can't walk by a rack of action comic books without becoming teary
53. When you can't drive down the long island expressway and see the exit for babylon and feel so sad to know that babylon is now nothing but a memory---
54. When you hear a mother in the park call her kid Mikey and your head spins around.
55. Whenever you're asked to create a new username or password, the first one to pop into your head is "usemyhole27"
56. When you refer to everyone as sweetie, honey or baby.
57. When you all of sudden eat your donuts with a knife and fork.
58. Your computers at home and work now have all Gale/Randy and Brian/Justin backgrounds and screensavers. A year ago it was all about your grandchildren. Now it's all about these two beautiful hot men.
59. You're having what you thought was an interesting conversation with someone, but all of a sudden you find your mind drifting off to a Brian and Justin love scene (note I said 'love,' not 'sex').
60. You have the odd urge to put cumin in everything you cook.
61. When you honestly integrate script dialogue into your life. Some of my most common quotes: 1) It's not lying if they make you lie. 2) No apologies, no regrets 3) are you comming or going, are you comming and then going, or are you comming and staying? (OK- dont get to use that one often-:)
62. When faced with a decision- you ask yourself: 'How would Brian deal with this situation'. As the series developed- It turned equally into 'How would Justin deal with this situation'
63. You wake up in the morning singing in your head: "What have you done today to make you feel proud..." and then you feel a pinch in your heart when you remember the show is gone.
64. You can deliver the lines from memory, like you were reading directly from the script.
65. You start going to the gym again, get back on diet, etc., to "impress Brian" Sad but true...
66. [To build on #61]..When you say "Listen to me... are you listening?" And "This sucks. And not in a positive, life affirming way."
67. You know you're too into the show when you take on a characters personality on a day to day basis (I've so turned into Brian).
68. And, no matter what the situation be, what was said, or who you saw, you're reminded of something from the show.
69. You spend time thinking of the next scene you can write for the rest of this board.
70. You're at Old Navy, and you buy 2 colors of the same t-shirt because it says "East Village" and it reminded you of Justin. (Pathetic, I know!!!) I also use the dialouge from the show in just about all of my conversations.
71. When you have a folder full of every Gale Harold photo you've ever seen online. And you use "Slide Show" to view them several times a week.
72. You have to force yourself not to mention the show (or Gale) around people who just don't get it.
73. You exercise to all the QAF thumpa thumpa music!
74. You have a tough time watching any other show when u could be watching a QAF dvd.
75. You go to bed trying to think of something other than QAF.
76. You're in a home that has hardwood floors and all you can think about is Brian pouring a bottle of water over his head.
77. You will NEVER again be able to hear the words" the back room" used in a sentence without always first thinking of Babylon.
78. You know you're too into QAF when you are thinking of putting all things not QAF (cd's, dvd's) up for sale on ebay.
79. You spend the weekend at a friend's watching season 1-4 eps and when each ones begins you say: "Oh I love this one!"
80. Every time you think about the QAF finale you ask rhetorically: "How could they do that?"
81. You actually bought a small wedding cake in hopes the spoilers were wrong.
82. You have watched the DVD's so often you can now spot the wardrobe from previous seasons when they area recycled in later eps.
83. You can name the season, episode number and dialogue from screen caps posted on QAF web sites.
84. You feel certain a 12 step program is necessary to recover from the finale.
85. When you are in the shower and hope Brian will step in with you. Well, a woman can dream'-right? lol
86. You know you're too into QAF when you can spot those few and far between bad edits. One episode, Brian puts his keys into his pocket twice.
87. You say to your 6 year old God-daughter "listen to me...are you listening?" and she says "why do you always say that?" P.S. I have "Save the Last Dance" as my ringtone too!!!
88. You know you're too into qaf when you have Showtime disconnected and when the cable guy comes to remove the cable converter box, you feel like your heart is being ripped out of your body (just happened).
89. How about you are watching a movie with two good looking guys and are outraged when they kiss women instead of each other! This has happened to me!
90. When the first thing you'd save in a house fire would be your overused DVD copies of the first 4 years.
91. While mowing the lawn today you start singing "what have you done today to make you feel proud" and you hope the neighbors don't see the tears. Really it's was just sweat. I'm OK thanks.
92. You keep watching 'Saying Goodbye' and 513 over and over again, hoping somehow, that there will be an announcement about S6 at the end. You think 'bye bye, cowboy chicken,' and tears come to your eyes.
93. You spend a beautiful day inside working on a replacement QAF message board.
94. When you spend all your time online looking up every actors web pages...
95. When your hetero male roommate, asks you how Brian and Justin are doing, because you’ve talked about them like they are your best friends, and he doesn’t realize that they are characters from a show...
96. When you copy your QAF DVDs.. just in case to have the backups
97. When you sit and can watch the qaf episodes all day and still want more
98. When you refuse to speak to "outisiders" about anything involving QAF or the actors who form the cast. They don’t get it and you have no time to bother explaining it to them. Either they are with you or against you.
99. You spend 10,000 dollars on Mies Van Der Rohe and Le Corbusier furniture, to decorate your apartment like Brians.
100. HA! Okay so I used to have this friend (unfortunately our friendship did not last long enough for her to finish season three!) who I had gotten onto QAF but her only source was my box sets. Well, I wanted her to enjoy so I did lend them... with limitations. (1) She had to watch in sequence ( duh ); (2) I regulated her viewing. I gave her two tapes to watch at a time (she hated this ) and before she was able to receive another two she MUST re-watch the episodes to fully grasp the magnitude of everything that’s happening. So basically, she wouldn’t get new tapes for at least a few weeks. (she wasn’t an addict... but did enjoy the show); 3: I didn’t just hand them over. I found a sturdy small bag that would perfectly harness two vhs' and then lined the bag with bubble wrap and proceeded to give her care instructions before relinquishing them to her. Keeping mind I’m fully aware of every worn edge and scratch.
I'm not sure how many of these are left, but I'll keep going until they posts are done. Enjoy!