A weekends quest.

May 31, 2009 19:50

So I bring to you today a tale of beasts and tormentors. Brave warriors and filthy knaves. Here I give to you the freakin' highlight of my weekend.
It was a warm afternoon as Madison and I mounted our gleaming white, fuel efficient steed. Our path was clear. We were to deliver an important package to a young lord celebrating his 4th birthday. Our destination was an abomination of a fortress named after it's owner. Chuck E Cheese. We sped along as mountain ranges and rivers passed before us. I contemplated what was surely to be a suicide mission. We were bound to be outnumbered. There was sure to be squabbling amongst the other adventurers we were to meet. Especially when it came to the last piece of cake.
Upon arrival we took a second to assess the situation. There was only one way in or out. Posted there was a guard armed with a blue light gun. He was young and unseasoned so I was sure he'd be easily dispatched. Once inside it was a different story. Teams of fiendish children skittered about like Kobalds in a first edition D&D game. Parents hugged the walls oblivious to their brood. It had to be a spell cast by an evil wizard, for no parent could ignore the things those kids were doing. We spotted the young man we were to deliver our package to. We went straight for him and handed the package off to his mother, who was surprisingly alert and "happy". More evil wizardness if you ask me.
The first part of our quest complete we set off on the second part. We attacked mechanical beast after mechanical beast. Madison being a natural adept at anything electronic had every beast in the place spewing out their entrails in the form of "tickets". We gathered the tickets for later use. That's when it began .....
We were summoned, along with the rest of our party to a table. Servants brought out a repast of stale bread covered in cheese. The food did it's trick as we were lured into a stupor by the time "He" came out. A door in the back opened and the master of the establishment appeared. A creature straight from hell he was. As tall as the largest warrior. His head was strangely too big for his body. The eyes in that head were vacant and lifeless. Chuck E Cheese looked to be a formidable foe. He walked towards us and before we knew it we were surrounded. Servants filed in all around us started to sing strange guttural hymns. The children joined in. All was lost....
Then one of the children broke free from the spell. He grabbed two of his friends and they ran over to the Demon and began punching and pulling at his flesh. The servants seemed dismayed. They escorted their master out of the room beaten and disheveled. As a peace offering they brought back cake. We feasted again in victory.
It was time to venture home. Madison and I dropped our tickets at a counter. As payment for slaying so many beasts Madison was rewarded a pink wand that says "Princess" in small letters. ( Some assembly required )
We once again mounted our white fuel efficient steed and rode off into the sunset. I'm just glad we lived to tell our tale.
Some of this is true. Some exaggerated for benefit of a good story. :-P
There's some darker stuff percolating in my brain that I'll post on in a few days.
I hope you all had a good weekend ! :-)
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