I realised today that I've never been to the 24 hour labs at uni. I don't know if I have still have an access card, let alone know whether one from 6 years ago would work now
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You know its fun and stuff, i once scored a free accomadation to bendigo...though it was ONLY bendgo and I did have to endure hours of meetings and conferences and crap...but the most important thing it was free.
I tell myself something similar too (about utilizing all the 'free' uni things), but more often than not, I can't be bothered. :P Isn't that a pathetic excuse.
kekeke thats cute. haha im not a student at mu anymore but i can still use my card and access the 24 hour labs... not that i would. the city is too far away these days ;p
Comments 12
You know its fun and stuff, i once scored a free accomadation to bendigo...though it was ONLY bendgo and I did have to endure hours of meetings and conferences and crap...but the most important thing it was free.
But yeah utilise..more!
and I didn't even know the humanities dept. had their own computer lab XD
where I spent hours on WinMx downloading music videos :P
seretly leave them on overnight
friggen eat my coins all the time.. especially that drink machine on 2nd floor union house
i havny even bothered lining up for free bbqs most of the time :P
haha im not a student at mu anymore but i can still use my card and access the 24 hour labs... not that i would. the city is too far away these days ;p
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