(no subject)

Feb 13, 2009 22:30

Player Name: Lii
Personal LJ: angeldusting
E-mail: lii.lionheart@gmail.com
AIM: BankaiStrawberry | zombiesdiekthx
Other characters currently in-game: OU! Iori Yagami cursedbloodline

Character Name: Nero
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Sexuality (if applicable): Kyrie-sexual. No. Really.
Original or Anomaly?: Original

Appearance: Because I’m lazy, here.

Personality: Quite simply, Nero’s a jackass. He’s snarky, sarcastic, and has little to no respect for authority. Really, the only way you can earn his respect is if you can best him in a fight, and even then, he might not. Some would say that his confidence is closer to that of arrogance, and they wouldn’t be that far off, actually. Nero’s good at what he does, and he knows it. However, he doesn’t seem to care about his opponent’s words or skills, even if he’s lacking the upper hand.

He seems to get bored fairly easily, he’d rather listen to music or train rather than listen to any long, boring lectures, thanks. But if something gets his attention, expect him to be listening to everything that you say. Not that he’ll believe all of it, but it’s enough that he’ll be curious as to what you’re talking about.

One trademark of Nero’s personality is his stubborn streak. If he sets his mind to something, then dammit, he’s going to get it done no matter what. This determination makes him a good hunter and an even better friend- when he decides to be social. He will do whatever it takes to help a friend in need, rushing to their rescue even in the worst of situations.

Another trademark is Nero’s temper. Despite all his experiences, he’s still a teenager. He will get mad at the drop of a hat if the subject rubs him the wrong way. Insult his friends and he’ll beat the hell out of you, it’s that simple. However, this rage tends to blind him to what’s going on a lot of the time, making him vulnerable to personal attacks.

History: Nero was a member of the Order of the Sword, a holy organization on the island nation of Fortuna that worshipped the Dark Knight Sparda. However, his life changed dramatically a few months ago, when he was walking with his childhood friend lover Kyrie in a forest. The two were attacked, and Nero sustained injury to his right shoulder. Some time after that, the leader of the Order, Sanctus, was killed by a red-coated man that was believed to be Dante, one of the two Sons of Sparda. Furious that he threatened Kyrie more than anything else, Nero decided was ordered to pursue Dante.

However, during the course of this, the Order found out about the new ability that he had gained from his 'injured' arm- it had turned into a demonic arm that was eventually called the Devil Bringer. Curious about how this arm worked, the head alchemist and researcher within the Order, Agnus, tried to convince Nero to help him, but once Nero had found out that he was the one that had made the White Knights, demonic spirits attached to armor used by the Order, he went into a rage and was critically injured. However, during this time, his dormant devil blood awakened, repairing the broken Yamato and causing Nero to enter a Devil Trigger state.

Agnus flees, and Nero continues through and eventually meets up with Credo, the leader of the Holy Knights and also Kyrie's brother. He accuses Nero of allying with demons before attacking him, shifting to what is called his 'Angelo' state. Nero defeats him, only to find that Kyrie was watching. He tries to calm her down, but Agnus grabs her and takes her inside, saying that they were going to use her as part of the Savior. Credo and Nero temporarily call a truce as Nero travels deep inside the Order's headquarters to save Kyrie. However, even after defeating Angelo Agnus, the resurrected Sanctus shows up with reinforcements in the form of White Knights, taking Kyrie to be used in the Savior's core. Nero tries to grab her, but he is unsuccessful, only able to grab the necklace that he had given Kyrie as a present.

Determined not to let Kyrie be used, Nero continues on, even ignoring the chance to fight Dante until the half-devil demands Yamato back. Nero refuses, saying that he needs it to save Kyrie. Dante relents, letting him borrow it for now as Nero heads straight for the Savior.

Once he reaches the giant statue, Nero then fights Sanctus, only to get caught by the statue's hand while he was in mid-lunge. Yamato is extracted from Nero's Devil Bringer just as Credo shows up in a last-ditch attempt to get Nero out of there and save Kyrie. However, Sanctus runs him through and he begins to fall...

...only to be caught by Dante, who has shown up with Trish. Nero uses the Devil Bringer as well in a last-ditch attempt to break free, slamming Sanctus into a wall before he suddenly reappears and uses Yamato to stab Nero in the Devil Bringer itself. (an interesting fact about this is that the Devil Bringer's glow actually begins to fade completely after it is stabbed.) Nero is then sucked into the Savior, and he and Kyrie are used as 'living material' for the Savior's core.

After a short time, though, Dante reclaims Yamato and drives it into the Savior lolbulletstack, freeing Nero. Pissed off now more than ever, Nero then proceeds to the inner core of the Savior where Kyrie is held and fights off Sanctus once and for all, even wielding the legendary Sparda sword. Once Sanctus and the Savior are defeated once and for all, Nero and Kyrie are finally allowed to have a moment alone, where Kyrie reassures Nero that she loves him.

Strengths: Nero, like the other main protagonists of the Devil May Cry series, has demon blood in him, although nowhere near the same amount as Dante or Vergil. That said, even though he’s survived impalement (thanks Agnus, you’re a real pal. >B|), nearly being crushed by a giant statue, etc. Nero can be killed, but his regeneration rate easily puts him above most humans. Even before his demonic blood awakened, Nero was not a guy you wanted to piss off. His extensive training in the Order has turned him into a powerful warrior despite his size. Nero’s not stupid, either- he customized Red Queen and supposedly built Blue Rose himself, the kid knows his way around weapons.

On top of his weapons prowess, Nero also has a Devil Trigger, although not in the traditional sense. Thanks to obtaining Yamato, he now has a Devil Avatar that looks extremely similar to Vergil’s Devil Trigger in DMC3. He ends up wielding Yamato in his right hand, which was turned into a demonic limb known as the Devil Bringer for unknown reasons, and his speed, strength, and regeneration rates skyrocket.

As far as psychological strengths go, Nero’s determination makes him one hell of a target to crack. Despite all the crap that was going on around him, all he could focus on was getting to and saving Kyrie. He basically just brushed off the fact that the group that had raised him turned out to be a bunch of psychopaths trying to “purify the world” by killing everyone off.

Weaknesses: Nero has very few physical weaknesses, considering that most of what people try to do to kill him are rendered ineffective. However, some of the classic ways of slaying demons can do great damage to him, i.e. holy water. He is able to be worn down, but it would be extremely difficult and time-consuming to do.

Psychologically, however, he has one enormous weakness: Kyrie. He will do anything and everything in his power and beyond in order to save her. If someone threatens her, he will probably go after them. He won’t even care if he dies in the process as long as she’s alright.


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