On Discovering Your Bliss
by Asoka Selvarajah
There is something we came here to do, and we feel incomplete
until we have done it. This is what Joseph Campbell so aptly
called "following your bliss".
Following your bliss simply means living without compromise with
regards to all the "Thou shalts" in life. There is a force in
your ego consciousness that creates rules of conformity. Like a
thermostat keeping the temperature of a room constant, most
people have a thermostat keeping them beautifully in tune with
the expectations and demands of society. In doing so, they give
up their soul, and the very purpose for why they manifested in
the first place.
Rather than live from a position of fear - concerned exclusively
with money, survival or social responsibilities - you instead
make your peace of mind and your own integrity your guiding
light. Don't become like the man who said "I never did a thing I
wanted to in my entire life!" Does this sound bizarre? You would
be surprised how many people get to the end of their life and
concur with this sentiment!
When you follow your bliss, everything is different. Rather than
relying on only the visible means of support - money, career,
physical health, business contacts - you put yourself in the
place where divine forces can assist you in doing what you were
meant to do. However, it is only when you can step out in faith,
take the risks and chances, totally free of fear, that Providence
reaches out to support you.
This is really what being fully human is all about. It is in
opposition to opting out of our heritage, in favor of opting into
the machine-like conformist society. Living in full contact with
the Higher Self IS being fully human, instead of the hugely
diminished version we all settle for today. Solitude can do this
for us. It can begin to peel away the layers of who we think we
are, in order to get to the essence of who we really are.
Why is solitude so vital to the process? The reason is because we
live in such an unnatural society. Our ancestors lived in the
open, in constant communion with Nature, and in spiritual
communion with both the visible and invisible world. By contrast,
we do the exact opposite. Western society, for all its many
benefits, shields us from the direct experience of dynamic
vital life that our ancestors once knew. Muscles that were once
tight and strong from the rigors of daily existence must now be
toned through regular aerobics or multi-gym workouts instead. The
fight-or-flight response, instead of firing up your adrenal
system in preparation for seeking escape from a tiger, is now
used to become fired up with rage about your boss or noisy
neighbors instead.
In the past, we had no need to make special visits to places of
natural beauty, or "get in tune with Nature". We were already an
open-circuit to the reality that surrounded us. Each of us was an
inseparable interactive part with Nature and the spiritual realm
Solitude allows us to escape from this highly synthetic society;
so out of sorts with our basic life cycles and inner needs. By
regularly putting it to rest for a little while each day, you
create a sacred space. It is vital for each person who really
desires progress to create this sacred space into which only they
can enter. It is not done to strengthen your individuality, since
this is itself illusory. The reason you need regular solitude is
to allow a place for the incubation of the new birth upon which
you are laboring. It is a fundamental principle of the universe
that time and solitude are essential to incubate a new creation.
In the darkness of the womb, each of us was formed quietly. The
universe itself burst into being from the infinitely fertile void
of silent emptiness. A caterpillar retreats into the solitude of
a chrysalis, and then literally dissolves into a liquid mess
before slowly reforming over time into a beautiful new creation.
The caterpillar/butterfly analogy is an excellent one for our
contemplation. Just like that caterpillar, we too seek to be
transformed into something that bears no resemblance whatsoever
to what we were before. Nothing from the past has any
contribution to make to the new. A mystery must occur, and one
that defies explanation. Our part is not to rationalize, explain,
or study in order to achieve. We must simply let ourselves be
transformed from above.
This is also the mystical meaning of virgin birth, as mentioned
in the New Testament with reference to Jesus. Virgin birth also
existed in preexisting mythology throughout the pagan world. The
motif is common and refers in each case to the same thing. What
we give birth to, through submitting ourselves to the process of
transformation, has no father. In other words, it is totally new.
There is no seed of preexisting human experience. The new
creation requires nothing more from us than that we simply make
the space and time for it. It is virgin-born; born from above,
from the wholly other, through divine intervention.
When we are quiet and let the impressions of the day fade away,
we create that incubation space for spiritual reality to emerge
within us. There is no set time in which the change will occur.
This is obvious. What is required is a sincere commitment to the
-- Asoka Selvarajah
Above Article Excerpted From, "The Seven Golden Secrets
To Knowing Your Higher Self". Discover The Secrets To Inner
Peace, Abundance, Life Purpose, & Joy. Find Out More Here...