Who: Elena, Spy (Fabien Devereux)
What: After weeks of being watched Fabien decides it is time to confront his little "stalker"
Where: Streets of Clairbourn
When: Sometime during Spring Break
It was Spring Break, although Fabien had recently become reacquainted with his passion to help his students he was grateful for having the time off. For one of the first times in months Fabien had decided to treat himself to a meal at a restaurant instead of eating in. As he sat in the dimly lit bistro he ate while still keeping his wits about.
Fabien saw her out of the corner of his eye, it was that girl again. He found it to be odd that she had returned to the task of following him, he thought she had given up weeks ago when he didn't see her anymore. He knew it to be her because he could never forget a single man's face let alone a woman's.
To some degree the counselor had grown tired of this girl following him, simply because he knew pretty young girls like her didn't follow around older men like lost puppies in love. She was clearly, to some degree at least, a professional and that meant Fabien always had to double-check his actions before actually doing anything as long as she was around. He snapped his fingers, "Serveur, contrôle s'il vous plaît."
After paying for the check Fabien got up from his seat, left the restaurant, and walked down the sidewalk, it was slowly approaching dusk.