It's the summer and we have to wait all the way until September the 25th for S2 to start
(Claire will be in California, there will be a lesbian cheerleader named April-a bitch cheerleader [because there's one in every school], and they will be persumably giving Claire a boyfrined [sounds a lot like Zach to me] who does not fit in much, named West.)
But, anyway enough rambling........we need to show TPTB (The Powers To Be), if they read this community, that we want Zach back.......and by doing so we can write (start and/or finish........this includes myself with And the mask falls...) numerous FanFics/make fanvids/make icons/wallpapers/etc.
So, I issue this challenge.........let's see how many Fan Art/Fan Fics we can fill this forum up with!! ♥