(no subject)

Oct 28, 2006 16:54

William Fucking Moseley.

I love Virginia.

i met/touched/talked with the guy in my icon <33333333

Mmkay I left them all in their original format, just because you can do what you want with them. The one's with '**' next to them means that something funny or interesting happened that I'm going to explain or quote XD. Kkay, happy clickings! Oh and btw, I had to use a dispositable digital camera, because I forgot mine :(

This is the autograph he signed for me.
A picture of me him and my friend. I look rather bad xD **
Him explaining something, I think him saying how all four of them have become famous, so they're going through it together
Unfortunately I don't really now xP
He's looking at me! Answering my questions <3 **
Haha, talking about how the guy from visual effects showed him this picture of a fake lion walking down the street with two girls, and Will thought it was real. Will: How'd you get that lion to walk down the street with those girls?! Visual Effects guy: That's not a real lion, that's visual effects.
Haha I don't know.
I think Will doing whatever he is doing because the other guy said he had an all girl fanbase at the Film Festival, and it was true XD
Haha, don't know, but so funny.
Comparing Skandar's height to him. **
Haha, I remember this! A girl in the back said that she felt there was 'sexual tension' between him and Anna, and asked if they were together. XD. **
Just being cute, XD
Gasp, whata cutie
Don't know
Don't know either, I was a bit distracted XD
I remember this action, but I don't remember the words that go with it xD
Looking thoughtfully over at Mark Johnson
Answering some question from the guy in the middle,hes like the film festival host or something
Him listening
Laughing and being cute
Him posing **
Thinking before answering a question.
Gah so cute
Just cuz, Mark Johnson **

1) ** - A picture of me him and my friend: Okay so he was signing autographs and taking pictures inside of the theatre for a while, until this lady came down and was like 'you can't take pictures in here'. He turned around and said 'well...where can we take them, then?" and she said 'outside.'. So when me and Rachel went up and she asked for a picture, he said 'oh well, we have to do it outside, because they're being annoying.'

So me and Rachel went outside and waited, until finally he came out with Mark Johnson. Now like, they started walking rather fast and we were standing there like '...?' And then he turned around, smiled and waved, and then we both followed a little bit and he suddenly turned around when we were kind of out of sight and said "Oh, are you some of the people they wouldn't let take photographs inside?" Us:"Hah yeah" Him: "Yeah, they were being extremely annoying." Me: *inside my head :gaaah he's so cute!* So then I got on his right immediately and my friend Rachel went on my right then moved to his left. He then turned around and said 'have a nice day!' I replied, 'you too!' XD Gah perfect moment!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy, though I look retarted, I don't care. Because we were the last people to take a picture with William Moseley in charlottesville XD

2) ** - He's looking at me! About to answer my question: So like 10/5 minutes before we stopped, the guy in the middle said the audience could ask questions. After one or two people, I stuck up my hand (daringly) and got picked. So I was so nervous, I could hear my heart and I couldn't breathe. Though, I said: "For Will, do you still keep in touch with the other cast members?" And apparently I sounded very cool and collected. He answered: "Yeah, I just saw Skandar and Georgie on Monday for fittings in London. And I saw Anna last week. They've all grown so much, I mean, Georgie!", etc. *Me = <3 eye contact.*

3) ** - Comparing Skandar's height to him: He said that "Skandar has grown so much! Even in the movie he grew like six inches! Now he's up to here on me! He used to be shorter than Anna, but now he's taller than her and almost as tall as me! We might need to start him on smoking, or I can just wear high heels all the time." XDDD

4) ** - Haha, I remember this! A girl in the back said that she felt there was 'sexual tension' between him and Anna, and asked if they were together: For this one, Will kind of laughed and said "No, we didn't date. There's a fine line in this profession, and you don't cross it. We didn't cross that line. We stayed professional, and no we didn't cross the line. Besides, I don't think CS Lewis would like incest." Hahah. But notice how he said 'we didn't cross the line' which means, that they could've thought about it.

5) ** - Him posing: Hahah mmkay, so randomly some times when the other guys were talking, Will would just stare out into the back of the audience and smile. Just in case someone were to take a photograph.

6) ** - Just cuz, Mark Johnson: XD, at the beginning of the movie, he was saying how William Moseley was going to be there, and he was 'rather hunky' now. xD, he also told us about his embarrasing moments during the film when they had to remove some pimples from his face.

Mmkay guys, that's it!!! Hope I did well!!
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