Jean's Batmitzfa was so fabulous...
Abby made me promise not to go hang out with the STD (Saint Davids LOL) boys, because I might catch an STD, jk, she thought I would leave her alone--no worries on that. She found some bitches and wore Reids tie around when Wil left and they could not continue their romantic conversations. Abby, you are a beautiful flirt magnet. it is a natural gift.
We danced, lots, I put on the YMCA. Abby and Symonne and I sang a song to Jean. Jewish Pina Colada, lol. Overall it was medioc--FABULOUS. I wound up having a wonderful time like everyone else even though I was nervous as heck before. I don't get excited anymore, I get nervous. Always. It's strange. When school ends I'll be back to myself, but I panic for everything. I was flipping out in the car worrying about being nervous. In the prom, too, and I saw Alycia going in wearing pants, I nearly died. Both times, everything worked out. I am such a bone head.
I met this girl Hannah, love her to death. And had fun with Caroline, my bathroom buddy. She dipped my shoe in the pool and when we got back I told everyone I dropped it into the toilet. Jean gave lovely speeches. They really were. Her writing is utterly smashing.
The place was beautiful, took my breath away. Gasp! I realized something. Anyway, it was on the water........ wow......... great food.......... grass.......... tennis courts........... wow........ I loved it. i had fifty million drinks and half the appetizers myself.
There were fireworks! Abby bought them for Jean, lolly!
whoopdee doo! Lj cut YES!
Today laura beat me senseless in the bathroom with a tampon she put in the sink. In science I was all soaked with sink tampon water! Seeeeeeeeeeeeee Laura?????? You are going to be like yor mom!