ATTENTION: I'm still waiting on images from two one members and have sent out PMs to each of them. Likewise there is one team that hasn't yet chosen a name, but I assume this will be decided upon once their remaining teammate sends them their images, so I'll edit it into my comment then unfreeze your thread once you have. Please remember to get that information turned into me over at
the team name & images submission post very soon.
This means that we do have three four five teams all ready to move onto the next stage! Yay XD I'll be sending out a mass email (using BCC, no worries there) shortly to each completed team with your team name and links to all six provided images, just to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Now it's time to make your icons! Here are the rules:
You must make a total of six* icons, each using one of the provided images. You must use only the image versions provided, you may not replace any with a different one unless your entire team agrees to change it. You are not allowed to include any additional imagery, with the exception of brushes, textures, stock photography etc. used purely as decorative elements.
*Edit: Since there's been some confusion, please keep in mind that each individual teammate must make a set of six icons, for a total of eighteen as an overall team
You are not allowed to publically display your icons until after the reveal post has gone up, to keep everything a surprise. However, you may share your work with your teammates if you so wish and even ask for constructive criticism (but only if they're willing to give it, do not pressure anyone) as this is a team activity after all.
Once you are finished your entire set of icons, take your time remember you have two weeks, you are to submit them here at your designated team thread that has been labeled with your Team Name. Please make sure to reply to the thread itself, rather than leaving a separate comment, so as to keep all icons organized together by team, which will make things easier for me later on.
You may use this form to make submitting easier.
Username:Icon Journal/Community: (optional - if you have one and want it plugged)
URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: The deadline has been extended until Friday, July 27th at 11:00 PM EDT. Please understand that this is the final deadline, there will be no further delays if you fail to meet it then your set will not be included and your team will go on without you.
You have until Friday, July 20th at 11:00 PM EDT to submit your icons. The reveal post will go up the following day, so that we may all gasp in awe at the pretty! Please leave a separate comment here if you have any further questions, otherwise good luck and can't wait to see everyone's completed sets :)