For Week 420,
clamp_icontest will be hosting it's very first icon Rumble! I've wanted to try running this type of challenge for a while (ever since taking part in the one over at
calendarsquares) and now seems as good a time as any ;)
This will be a four round non-elimination rumble, with hidden identities and optional voter screened commentary provided when requested. Each round you will be provided with a general theme plus a few extra bonus themes to choose from/add on if you want a greater challenge. They will all last for two weeks and you only have to make one icon, so there should be plenty of time for everyone that signs-up to participate, even if your schedule is a bit more hectic.
April 14th - May 2nd = sign-ups and promotion
April 18th - May 2nd = first round submission
May 2nd - May 4th = first round voting
Results posted, ranking updated, comments given
May 2nd - May 16th = second round submission
May 16th - May 18th = second round voting
Results posted, ranking updated, comments given
May 16th - 30th = third round submission
May 30th - June 1st = third round voting
Results posted, ranking updated, comments given
June 30th - June 13th = fourth round submission
June 13th - June 15th = fourth round voting
Final results/ranking order posted, with showcase/banners to follow
There will be various ways to earn points throughout the rumble, so the more active you are, the better chance you have of ranking high in the end, and maybe even winning the rumble!
1 point for each public post, limit of 2 plugs per participant; due May 2nd
3 points for a general entry, plus 2 bonus points per additional theme included
1 point per standard vote, 2 points for full vote with comments provided for all icons (except your own)
1 point per vote your icon receives
3 points for winning people's choice, 2 point for runner-up(s) if applicable depending on how many entries we receive
To participate, all you need to do is sign-up here using the form provided below. For added fun you'll be choosing a CLAMP character to act as your userpic for the rumble, please list your top three preferences in order.
Username:Character #1: (name and image link)
Character #2: (name and image link)
Character #3: (name and image link)
Promotion(s): (include links here now or reply to my comment after to add them later)
There will be a final showcase at the end archive all the icons submitted, as well as to reveal the makers behind them and promote their icon journals. There will also be participation banners for every member that takes part, plus special placement banners for the final ranking winner and runner-ups (actual number depends on how many participants we end up with).
tcg_exchange members will earn the standard amount of cards
listed here for submitting, voting and winning each round. Please note that while you may submit claims as you go, some prizes will not be handed out until after the entire compettion is over to protect your identities.
You have until first round submissions close on Friday, May 2nd at 11:00 PM Eastern to sign-up. If you have any additional questions, please ask them here too.
I have no idea how this will go, but I do hope there are members out there interested in participating either as a rumble contestant or as voter/commenter, since both are equally important to its success! In times like these, it's difficult to predict the future of the icontest world, so let's enjoy it while we can and have some fun XD