I... don't quite have the time, nor the energy to put up all 23 icons up <3 or something like that. A member needs to resubmit anyway so I'll do it tomorrow if someone else doesn't beat me...Please forgive me all ^^;; I do have the time to deal with a new theme though~ So! This week is the Mokonas! Your icon must include the Mokonas and no one else. Sakura in the picture? Crop her out. A table in the picture? I don't care. xD;; Everyone loves the Mokonas, so have at it~
This is a textless icon challenge, so there must be no text, tiny text, legible or otherwise, or anything that could be seen as text on your icon; it is a CLAMP challenge, so please only CLAMP images; and it must be within LiveJournal's icon requirements: nothing bigger than 100 pixels either side, and it must be less than 40 KB and saved as .png, .gif, or .jpg. Comments will be screened to preserve anonymity. Do not display your icon anywhere else until the results are unveiled. Please see the userinfo for more rules. Submit [up to two] icons like this:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v331/Sorrowneptune/sohiblue.pngCharacter/Series: Sohi of X/1999
Please submit by Friday the 28th of April, 9 PM EST!