Title: Natsu no Ojousama tachi Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn Characters: Tsuna, Hibari, Yamamoto, and Gokudera Rating: Very, very G, unless the genderbending counts as R for retarded
Gokudera looks SO happy with Yamamoto it's very AU. <3 I think this was all very adorable, even Fem!Hibari because my Hibari looks like a stick figure with hair and tonfas.
I went and read One Million Sandcastles again. Mengalir air mataku. *sobs* That's one of the best 1827 ever!!!!!!!!!!! Sekarang baru nak baca KHR. Haha. Gila betul.
Anyways, these look lovely. Kyoya looks a lil' bit like Yuu no? But he's more .. how do you say this.. Lovable? x)
Comments 4
Gokudera is cute indeed :3
... It should be canon XD
i drew tsuna with fem mukuro and hibari but i never had change to colour it
Anyways, these look lovely. Kyoya looks a lil' bit like Yuu no? But he's more .. how do you say this.. Lovable? x)
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