when the cookies crumble

Nov 19, 2015 15:28

everything else does too ( Read more... )

blog because blog

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Comments 4

tielan November 19 2015, 21:50:00 UTC
*sits near and offers commisserations*


clarahow November 20 2015, 01:02:54 UTC

... )


4kennedy November 20 2015, 08:44:10 UTC
*hugs tightly* I'm so sorry that you're feeling like this and I wish there was an easy way to cure/help you. Hopefully you'll feel better soon. I know you can push through this and come out stronger in the end. *hugs some more*


naemi November 20 2015, 14:19:57 UTC
I've been down that road, and I know how bad it can be. Just hang in there and don't forget that there's always a light shining from somewhere eventually!



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