Season 5 was not my favorite because I quickly grew tired of the Love Parallelogram that is Kate, Sawyer, Juliet, and Jack (thanks Ack Attack). I don't really care about you anymore. If you follow my tumblr it's no secret that I loathe Jack and think he is good for nothing but occasionally saving lives (BOOOOONE) and "leading" the survivors into trouble. But I've liked Sawyer from the beginning and I was not impressed with his sudden personality twist--playing house with Juliet? No thanks. You guys have zero chemistry, but you're apparently okay with that, so I can be too.
Until she gets pulled into the electro-pit at the end....part of me was like, "aww Blondie! :(", but the other part of me was like, "Sawyer, psst, Sawyer! Looks, there's Kate. She's right there. Kiss'er. Call'er Freckles--do it!"
I like Juliet as an encyclopedia character--she can fill us, and the survivors, in on some of the crazy shit that no one's going to understand but her (as a former Other)--but I've never really cared about her beyond that.
I almost had a heart attack when Desmond got shot in the grocery bag, but 10 seconds later he's tossing Ben Linus into the water, harm no foul. Or something. This season needed bucket loads more of Des, though. I heard Henry Ian Cusick was sued for sexual harassment on set last month...will be reading more about that later, but pig or no pig, I'm in love with his character. Och.
Locke gets crazier and crazier with each season, so when he's on screen I sit back and let him do his crazay thang without getting invested. I never know what's going to happen next with him (especially with him and Linus), so...whatevs. BUT HOW CRAZY THAT LOCKE IS NOT REALLY LOCKE AT THE END. WHO IS THAT GUY?! CHAH-LEE IS THAT YOO?!
Erm..what else. I'm upset about Sayid this whole season too! He's barely in it, and half the time that he is, he's all "...I have no purpose here Sawyer James Jim Lafleur...oh but wait, now I do...but it's sort of lame...and I was sort of dealing with losing the love of my life (again) by building a school for needy Latino children, until I got suckered back here with you fuckups and now I can't even be bothered to snap any Bad Guy necks with my goddamn feet!"
Why did no one ever decide back in season one, "Hey. This doctor guy keeps getting us into trouble. His decisions risk the lives us survivors and the sanity of the viewers at home. Plus he cries five times an episode. That Sayid guy over there, though..he's always right when sneaky tricksters appear, and he's like the McGuyver of this place, fixing radios and walkies and NUCLEAR BOMBS with sticks and berries. He was a soldier, he has a hair scrunchy. Let's follow this guy instead of that other toolbag."
AND, that dweeby asshole in Dharmaville SHOOTS SAYID IN THE GUT (Jack was standing a foot away, why cruel world, why!?), rendering him USELESS in the climactic events surrounding Jack, Kate, Saywer, Juliet, Hurley, and Miles. And he effing built their bomb! So that's how it is, use'im and lose'im. Well. I'm severely displeased.
Sayid is my favorite character and I was clearly very disappointed with his involvement in season 5. What, did Naveen Andrews get a DUI too or something??
whoa. unexpected revelation, give me a second to compose myself. She was last seen in that cabin with Christian, she's been gone but nobody thinks she's dead, nobody really mentions her anymore. IT'S TOTALLY HER!
EDIT: oh god, I am such an idiot! It's that guy from the beginning, the man sitting with Jacob looking out at the Black Rock. *facepalm* sorry, I fail.
*deep breath*
Until Sawyer really started laying it in to him (after kicking his balls), I sickeningly enjoyed the scene where Sawyer and Jack fought in the woods. I wonder if the writers hate Jack as much as I do?
He really took a beating this season, mostly verbal from the other characters--Sayid and Sawyer calling him out (separately) on his shitty leadership skills the last 4 seasons, Kate not being with him anymore after agreeing to marry him (fuckthewhat?!), and ...I can't remember more, but I feel like once every few episodes someone was calmly telling Jack what an idiot he is.
I loved Jeremy Davies as Dan Faraday and was really sad to see him go (at the hand of his bitchtastic mother--and don't tell me she didn't know it was her son from the future, as a 70 year old lady she sent him back in time knowing what would happen! *cuddles bumbling Faraday*)
Love The Dude Lapidus, didn't give two shits about Charlotte (why are all the women on Lost such bitches? Honestly, so disappointed with the female characters. I don't even like Kate that much, but I like her best because she climbs trees, isn't a raging biotch, and doesn't scream about HER BABEH!! Oh wait...
Dude, Claire has totally been taking the form of Locke!! *facepalm*
Uhm..Oh I was talking about the new four. I like Miles--as Hurley sarcastically put it, "Oh great the freighter people brought us another Sawyer." :)
I don't exactly get why all the main characters have daddy's such a big deal and brought up so much and it's seriously EVERYBODY that it must have something to do with a grand theme or plot point or...something. I refuse to believe these writers are using daddy issues as motivation for their actions on the island for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER. Maybe other Lost fans already know the deal with all this, but I don't get it. Where they picked by Jacob and brought to the island beCAUSE their dad's are fucking insane?? *shrugs*
Hey how come the lost letters were black on a white screen this time? Will Desmond and Sayid team up again in season 6? I thought the island wasn't done with Desmond. Who said that, Widmore? Crap. I just watched the entire (so far) series, and I can't remember a lot of stuff lol.
I remember that if I hear Michael yell WAAAAAAAAAAALT!!!!!! one more time I'm going to pitch a spaz. STFU!
OH! Rose, Bernard and Vincent = :D:D:D
I'll probably have a lot more to say later, but it's nearly 3am and I'm going to go to sleep.