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Nov 03, 2007 09:43

October Movies Etc.

My So Called Life - We finished up the series in one of those fevered drug addict kind of ways where we were cramming episodes in anywhere we could make them fit. I had to watch the last scene where Angela figures out that Brian wrote the letter she thought was from Jordan about 4 times. I still think my favorite episode is the one where they all end up at the dance and the only two people who aren't miserable and self loathing are Ricky and Delia Fisher who just say fuck it and decide to take it out on the dance floor. Good times.

How I Met Your Mother - Season 2 - There were episodes of this season that made me laugh so hard I was sore the next day. They made me laugh so hard I was pitched forward in my seat weeping and gasping for air. They made me laugh so hard I had to stop them a couple of times just to pull myself together so that I wouldn't miss the next funny thing from laughing at that last funny thing that just happened. It makes me laugh is what I'm trying to say.

Fracture - I [heart] Ryan Gosling. I'm an admirer of Anthony Hopkins work 98% of the time. I've been known to enjoy psychological dramas from time to time. And while there were parts of this movie that I thought were well done and some acting choices that were fun to get to see, overall the story didn't really grab me and shake me like I was hoping it would. Maybe I watch too much Law and Order. I'll own that. But even still, I think the story ultimately failed the movie.

Zodiac - This movie on the other hand, was super creepy and interesting and totally kicked my ass it was so good. I know a lot about the Zodiac case. More so than I thought I did until I watched the movie. Edward doesn't know squat about serial killers really so it was interesting to watch it with someone who didn't know who any of the people in the movie were or any of the facts of the case. He kept guessing at what he thought was going to happen or who he thought the killer was like it was a traditional boogie man story or who done it that was going to resolve itself neatly by the end when the creepy guy who delivered bread in act one turns out to be the horrible man who kills people in a pivotal scene in act 3. I'd been told that this was a long movie but it didn't feel long to me at all. And I really, really loved how painstakingly down to the button accurate Fincher was in his details. Maybe that's something that only somebody who knows a lot about it would really appreciate but I think the movie works even for someone who doesn't know anything about it. The cast is like a dream team of amazing below the title actors. I can't imagine how psyched they must have been to get that director and those actors. So even if the subject matter isn't that riveting to you, the fact that it's got crazy amazing talent just coating the walls in every scene might do something for ya. Great flick.

28 Weeks Later - Me and my love for zombie movies go way, way back. Me and my distrust of the government do as well. Add to that my love of Robert Carlisle and you have yourself a sure fire hit. At least that's what I figured. Turns out? Not so much. I did like that they had to escape fast zombies AND sniper fire/gas/fire bombs/etc. And it definitely tapped into my fear of large herds of human beings trying to escape something in a panic. (yikes). But it wasn't a cohesive enough thing to really just make me drool all over myself with happiness.

The Lookout - Joseph Gordon-Levitt holds a special place in my heart lately. He's just been so good in everything I've seen him in this year. So I was excited about this one since it had an interesting story idea (boy has profound brain injury. boy meets bank robbers. boy with profound brain injury has to prevail somehow.) I definitely recommend it. I think it'd make a great double feature with another great movie he was in that I watched earlier this year called Brick. He's a keeper this one. I've put him on the list with Mark Ruffalo and Ryan Gossling. If he's in it, I'll watch it.

History of the World: Part 1 - I think if I'd seen this movie as a kid I would have loved it. The jokes are broad, yuk-yuk kind of confections that you just eat up one right after another. As an adult seeing it for the first time, it was mostly just silly. Which certainly isn't a bad thing. I just tend to find most of Mel Brooks other stuff a lot more clever and deeply hilarious, daring and spectacular. This was just goofy and fun. Love Gregory Hines though. Man. He's amazing.

Good Will Hunting - It's been a long time since I've seen this and I'd been missing it. For some reason this time around I was all cynical and felt like the whole idea of the movie was a little too movie-of-the-week to really slay me like it has in years past. I used to cry copious tears every time I watched it. It's weird because I've often considered this to be one of my favorite movies ever. The same thing happened to Dead Poets Society for me. That movie meant the world to me for a long long time and then I went back and watched it again some time much later and was like "seize the day? really? that's as far as they wanted to go with this? what happens after you've seized it? you run around sucking the marrow from life and making your life extrordinary and then what? why are these kids so mesmerized by walt whitman and shakespeare? i mean, isn't EVERYBODY?"
So this was very much for me like "okay. it's not your fault. i'm glad you finally got there kid. you're going to not live in fear and strike out on your own and take some chances at loving another person because you had a good session once with your shrink. oh wait. life's not that easy. you have the big blubbery break through where you weep like a baby and then the real hard part starts. plus, you're going to get out to california and skylar's going to make you sleep at the bus station. you looked her right in the face and told her you didn't love her. what do you expect? she's just going to have the sofa all set up and ready for your remidial at emotional intimacy having ass?"
I will say though that the dialogue is pristine and I totally understand why two actors would put those words in their own mouths to say. I could climb around in that dialogue for weeks it's so much fun. And it was really nice to see Ben Affleck with his real, too-small-for-his-mouth, normal looking person teeth. Moving on...

Freaks and Geeks: I'm With the Band, Girlfriends and Boyfriends, Tests and Breasts - Where to begin? Eh. I've probably spent enough time talking to you about Freaks and Geeks. I'll let it speak for itself:

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Freaks and Geeks is magical. Every single minute of it makes me happy.

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang - Having remembered why I love Robert Downey Jr. so much after seeing Zodiac, I rented this. It's also got Val Kilmer in it which just made me think about what it would have been like to be on the crew for this. They're both notoriously excruciating to work with. I can't decide if it would have been insanely great or terribly fucking annoying. In any case, I didn't work for the crew on this show. All I did was watch the movie and I must say, it was fan-freaking-great. Rapid fire dialogue, twists and turns, weird, crazy, hilarious, creepy, old-timey. Great stuff. It's a big juicy burger of a movie where you don't care if you're stuffed, it's so good you just have to keep eating.

Munich - Edward rented this because Seth Rogen's character recommended it in Knocked Up. Nope. Not kidding. I've seen Eric Bana do so many different things with himself, it's kind of crazy. This was decent. A little longer than I'd have liked it to be. And ultimately didn't satisfy me. I liked the idea that the need for or want of a place to be "home" is a universally human need that people will fight and kill for. It's been that way since the start of time. I think it's interesting and sad that none of us have been able to figure out how to make room for other people to need a home. I guess the problem comes when someone wants to kick you out of your house and move in. Manifest fucking destiny. Yeah, if that's god's will, he's basically just waiting for us to blow the place up so he can start over.

In addition to these fine films I've also been enjoying a lot of new TV. I have to say Life is the only new show I feel like I really HAVE to make sure I see every week. Everything else is stuff I've already been watching. Bionic Woman can suck a nut. And while I think the guy who plays Chuck is awesome, I think the show is mediocre at best. Mostly I'm just excited about the new seasons of Bones, How I Met Your Mother, The Office and that Project Runway is about to start again. Add to all of that the discovery of X-Box 360 and Halo 3 on the projector with wireless controllers (you can play from the back yard if you're so inclined), the release of Guitar Hero 3 and the fact that I have a full time job during our craziest month, shows to go to (Gogol Bordello KILLED ME AGAIN), parties to attend, major holidays to celebrate, friends to have coffee with, sleep to get, running to do and a husband to love and I'm not sure how I managed to survive.

On to November. Bring it.
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