I got some new tattoos and I also have a cat named Oliver (as of September) so here are some random photos and things! They're pretty much all Instagrams... wanna see more? Fucking follow me on Instagram!
http://instagram.com/clarasssaurus Here's my kitty Oliver and I:
He's a stinker, but I adore him. :) You can be friends with him on FB, too!
https://www.facebook.com/oliver.meowschwitz Here are some sexy photos my lovely friend
Balthazar took of me last fall:
My friend Jon and I Who'd it up for Halloween:
Tow and a half tattoos I got in January.
I had to tap out after the second rose outline because getting the elbows tattooed is seriously fucking painful...
This is what I do when I am drunk, apparently...
Random photos of myself being all melodramatic, as well as my first attempt at Steampunk:
Back to being a redhead:
Billy putting the hurt on me, my finished Slyvia Plath tattoo and my finished elbow (done about a week ago):
That's all, for now!