Title: Purple When Bruised
Author: Clarkangel
Disclaimer: Not my boyz and girlz
Rating: T for language
Summary: David gets hurt and the band deal with the consequences of a senseless act. Your basic H/C.
When they got to the hospital, Neal wasn’t allowed past the double doors. Elaine and her partner walked along side Dave’s gurney, filling in the doctor who came out to meet them. Usually only the kind of scene you’d see on a tv show, but Dave had enough star power now that Elaine had called ahead to prepare the ER for his arrival. Neal was happy for that now, although David hadn’t been all that pleased. He didn’t like being treated like he was special and Neal had given up, long ago, trying to get his friend to recognize that particular truth.
Staring at the closed double doors, Neal wished he could light a cigarette. He needed to be doing something, like beating the shit out of the piece of shit who had done this to Dave.
He turned to see Art, Michelle, Andy, Kyle and Joey running towards him. They’d made good time. “Hey,” he replied, through gritted teeth. He was so damn pissed and worried that it was hard to vocalize a simple greeting. A part of Neal felt like screaming.
“How’s Dave?” Joey and Michelle blurted out the question at the same time.
“Hell if I know,” Neal muttered. “He was conscious when they took him in, but he’s really hurting.” Turning to Art, Neal asked, “Can you talk to campus security or the cops or somebody? Cause I need to know who’s ass to kick!”
Michelle reached out, gripping Neal’s shoulder. “After Andy and Joey explained what they knew, I called security and they’ve called in the police. They’re sending someone over to question David in a bit. Hopefully they’ll have something to tell us.”
Neal had that same hope, because he really needed to know why the hell this had happened. And to David of all people. His friend wasn’t an asshole. He wasn’t the type of guy to incite people to beat the shit out of him. “I’m gonna go smoke,” Neal stated, abruptly turning on his heel and exited the hospital.
He was working on his second cigarette when Andy joined him. “Anything?” Neal asked, hopefully.
“Not yet,” Andy replied. “Some rep from the college showed up. She’s telling Art and Michelle how sorry the school is and that they’re going to put us up at some hotel next to the hospital.” Andy was turning a slow circle as he spoke and suddenly he pointed over Neal’s shoulder. “I think that’s the hotel.”
Neal didn’t bother to look. If Dave had to stay in the hospital, then he was parking his ass in the chair next to his bed.
Andy tried to chit chat for a moment, but fell silent when Neal didn’t respond. For which Neal was grateful. It was a comfortable enough silence, since they’d been friends a long time, but there was a palpable tension. A shared worry for their friend.
David wasn’t happy when he realized he had lost track of time. He had to blink everything back into focus and that’s when it hit him that he was ensconced in a hospital bed with an IV in the back of his right hand. He was reaching for it with the intent to rip it out when a hand caught his wrist, putting a stop to his action. Trying to pull his arm free sent a shockwave of pain throughout his body and David had to bite his lip to keep from crying out.
“Relax,” Neal rumbled, eyeing David with concern. He released his grip and offered a grim smile. “Good to see you awake.”
David grimaced, started to nod, but thought it best not too, given the throbbing in his temples. “How long have I been here?” he asked, his voice sounding raspy to his own ears.
Neal shrugged. “Few hours. And before you ask, concert’s been cancelled.”
“Fuck!” David was not happy to hear that, although he was realistic enough to know he wasn’t in any condition to perform right now. He’d gone on while sick with a cold, the flu and some damn stomach virus, but never after getting the shit beat out of him. His body felt like one giant ache and he doubted he could even hold a guitar.
“Art’s already working on getting it rescheduled,” Neal stated. “So don’t sweat it.” He stared at David for a long moment before asking, “How do you feel?”
David wasn’t sure how honest he should be, but I was Neal, and he and Neal were always honest with each other. “Like crap. Did anyone get the liscence plate of the bus that hit me?” He meant it as a joke but Neal didn’t crack a smile. His expression was morbidly grim.
But before Neal could respond, the door opened and Michelle and Andy came pouring into the room.
The first words out of Michelle’s mouth were, “I talked to your mother.”
David felt himself grow pale. “What did you tell her? She’s not coming here, is she?” His mom had been through all the ups and downs of his crazy new life before, during, and now after idol - so to speak. David didn’t want her worrying about him unnecessarily.
“She’s worried sick about you, but I convinced her to stay put until I get an update from your doctor,” Michelle replied. “Who I just talked to in the hallway and he’ll be here in a minute.”
“Cops are here too,” Andy chimed in, moving to the empty side of David’s bed and eyeing his friend with eyes dark with worry. “They want to get a statement from you.”
Neal looked pissed and his voice was tight with anger as he spat out, “Are they looking for the bastard who did this?” He stabbed a finger towards David as he spoke.
Which made David feel like the center of attention in a most uncomfortable way, along with reminding him of that horrific moment of getting beaten while he was down. He couldn’t help the shudder that rippled through him.
Which Michelle noticed. “David? Are you okay? Should I get the doctor now?”
He managed a shaky smile and hoped he sounded sincere when he replied, “No…I’m fine. I just want out of here ASAP.”
“Don’t count on that happening,” Andy stated. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Dave…but you don’t look so good.” To his credit, Andy didn’t look happy saying that and it bothered David how sad he looked. Sad and worried and that wasn’t how this day was supposed to go.
Picking at the blanket with the fingers of his left hand, David avoided eye contact, his voice sounded rough to his own ears as he whispered, “I’m okay, guys. Really.” He shifted a bit to ease the ache that seemed to have settled deep in his bone and it took biting his lip to stifle a yelp of pain. All at once everything hurt. His head, his shoulder, his ribs, his arm and his thigh. Pretty much his entire right side.
Neal was hovering over him in an instant. “Dave?” When David couldn’t reply, because opening his mouth would mean whimpering in pain, Neal turned to the others in a near panic. “Get the fucking doctor in here! NOW!”
As if on cue the door opened and a man in a white-lab coat entered. He took one look at David and hustled over to check on him.
David felt gentle fingertips ghost over his face then skim his arm before settling at his wrist on the pulse point. He managed to catch his breath enough to say, “I’m fine.” He seemed to be saying that a lot and he wished it was the complete truth, but once in a while a white lie or two came in handy. “Just…just moved wrong.”
“Movement of any kind is going to be painful for a while, I’m afraid, “The doctor responded. “You took one hell of a beating, Mr. Cook. Just to give you a run down, you have cracked ribs, deep bruising of your forearm, shoulder and thigh and a mild concussion. I’ve bound your ribs and you’re going to need to take it easy for a few days. In fact, I’d like to keep your for observation for the next twenty-four hours.”
“I’m not staying.” David was adamant on that point, but he had a feeling the intensity of his tone was lacking. He was also pretty sure he was slurring a bit and that confused him.
The doctor seemed to catch on to his confusion. “I’ve got you on strong pain meds and that’s another reason I want to keep an eye on you. Not to mention the blood pressure issues your manager told me about. That said, there is an officer who would like to speak with you and since I’m pretty sure your next round of meds is going to put you out like a light in about twenty minutes, I think it’s best I send him in and then everyone needs to clear out so you can rest.”
Before David could protest the meds thing and the staying over night thing, Neal spoke up.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he growled. Parking his ass in a nearby chair as he spoke, Neal made his point perfectly clear. And, not so surprisingly, no one objected, not even the doctor.
Which David was grateful for. He didn’t want to stay here, and he fully intended to make a getaway in the very near future, but it was nice to know Neal wasn’t going to abandon him.
Art popped his head in the door at that moment. He locked his eyes on David, moving straight to the end of his bed and looking worried and a bit guilty. “David…I am so sorry this happened,” he blurted out.
“Not your fault,” David was quick to reply. “Just bad luck and bad timing, or something.”
“Some asshole did this on purpose!” Neal spat out, eyes glowing dark with anger. “Bastard is going to pay in kind. I promise you that.”
David believed him, but he made a mental note to talk to Neal about his need for revenge. Not that he wasn’t behind the idea of getting even with the jerk who’d used him like a punching bag, but David wanted to believe there was a reason behind why this had happened to him. A reason he could get behind and find the heart to forgive and forget. Not that forgetting would be easy. At least not until his body had a chance to do some healing. Which he would will it to do as fast as possible. Cancelling the show tonight was eating away at David, so there was no way in hell he was going to miss another one. Which gave him two days to be up to par.
Art was talking again and it took David a moment to focus.
“I spoke to a rep from the college,” Art was saying. “She’s going to put us up in the hotel and the college will pay all bills incurred.”
“That’s not necessary!” David protested. It wasn’t the college’s fault this had happened.
Art patted him gently on the leg. “It’s a done deal. And she wanted me to let you know how sorry she is for what happened and if you need anything just ask.”
David sighed and let his eyes close for a moment. He felt bone tired and he wished he could just go to sleep and wake up to find out this was nothing more than a bad dream. But he knew it was real and that he had to face up to it. “I feel like we’re jumping the gun on everything,” he whispered. “We don’t even know who did this.”
“I think we do,” called a voice from the doorway. A heavy-set man with graying hair and dressed in a dark blue suit offered a grim smile. “Detective Morgan,” he stated, moving into the room. “I have a few questions to ask you, Mr. Cook, but I also have answers to the questions I’m sure you’re dying to ask me.”
“I just want to know who did this and why,” David said softly. Although, at the moment, he felt so damn worn out and achy that he wasn’t sure he was up to knowing the truth.
“I can answer both of those questions,” Detective Morgan replied.
“Bout time!” Neal muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear him.
David felt relief wash over him, along with a wave of trepidation. But he needed to make sense of what had happened to him. After scrubbing a weary hand over his face he requested of Michelle, “Bring everyone in. We all need to hear this.” He knew everyone was angry and worried and it would be easier if they all heard what Detective Morgan had to say for themselves, rather than trying to repeat it later.
There was silence in the room, and even the doctor hovered quietly in the corner. It occurred to David that he didn’t know the man’s name. A trivial issue at best, at this point.
A moment later Joey and Kyle entered the room with Michelle. David managed to smile at them, trying to let them know he was okay. “Looks worse than it is,” he told them, as they moved closer and looked at him with shock.
Joey looked particularly upset and David realized he was feeling guilty. “Hey!” David said sharply, catching Joey’s eye. “Don’t even go there. Okay? This was not your fault.”
“If I’d run with you this wouldn’t have happened,” Joey shot back, stubbornly, a mulish expression on his face.
“Don’t be stupid,” David countered, anger welling up. Anger that wasn’t directed at Joey but at this situation. In the course of getting the shit beat out of him, for no reason that he could comprehend, the action had affected each and every one of them in some definable way. It pissed David off that his friends were suffering right along with him.
Joey shook his head at him. “I should have stayed with you,” he insisted.
David sighed. “Keep it up and I’ll tell Neal to kick your ass! He’s itching to hit someone.” It was meant to be a joke, to lighten up the mood in the room, but it fell flat given the current circumstance that brought them all here together.
It was Neal who prompted Detective Morgan to spill what he knew. “So who’s the asshole who did this to Dave?” he queried, cutting right to the chase.
“His name is Brian Werner,” Det. Morgan replied, his tone gruff and serious. “He’s a basically a jock with hopes for a career in engineering and this was his senior year.”
“Was?” David interjected.
Det.Morgan shrugged. “Seems he’s flunking this semester so he’ll have take it over next year or drop out. Not that it matters now. He’s in a cell cooling his heels.”
Neal looked pleased for a moment, until he asked, “Why the fuck did he beat the shit out of Dave?”
“Jealousy,” Det. Morgan replied. “To fill in the blanks as quickly and precisely as I can - His girlfriend is a fan of yours, Mr. Cook. She had plans to go to your concert tonight and when she heard it was cancelled and that you had been taken to the hospital she called us. She’s the one who tipped us off about her boyfriend being the guy we were looking for. He was drunk when we picked him up and we didn’t even have to prod him to get a confession. I just need to hear what happened in your own words, Mr. Cook, then we can wrap this up and you can concentrate on getting better. Unless things change he’s going to plead guilty and do his time without complaint. He even asked me to apologize to you. I think the reality of what he did took time to seep into his pickled brain, but he knows he did wrong and that he’s going to pay for it.”
“Pay for it how?” David asked. He’d heard everything the Detective had said, but it wasn’t making sense. It seemed far too simplified for what had happened. Why the hell would someone beat him up because of jealousy. What was he jealous of?
Neal was the one who replied. “Who cares how? Hopefully lots of jail time. Bastard!”
David looked at Det. Morgan. “You said he attacked me because of jealousy. I don’t get it. What was he jealous of?” It was the one question that now burned in his soul. The one thing that made zero sense.
“Jealous of you, Mr. Cook,” Morgan replied. “His girlfriend confirmed that he hated the very sound of your name and that she intended to break up with him because he’d become a jerk about it.” As if reading David’s confusion, he added, “It’s not going to add up because jealousy is never anything but senseless and stupid. It wasn’t anything you did or didn’t do, Mr. Cook. It was just some stupid, drunk jock acting out on his insecurities.”
“And ruining his future because of it,” David muttered, because the thought of that bothered him as well. Detective Morgan had it right. This whole thing was senseless and stupid and David wanted out of it. At the very least he wanted out of here.
Locking eyes with Art, David stated, “I want out of here.”
Art shook his head at him. “Not happening. You need time to rest and heal, David. Doctor’s orders.”
A doctor who, at this moment, was fiddling with David’s IV.
David opened his mouth to ask what he was doing, but his lips started to tingle a bit as a heavy warmth stole over him, wrapping him up and dragging him down into darkness.
THE END...of part 3