Just posted this to Facebook and thought I'd share it here.
Things Obama has done:
- Extended child tax credits and marriage-penalty fixes
- Created an Advanced Manufacturing Fund to invest in peer-reviewed manufacturing processes
- Created an international tax haven watch list
- Increased minority access to capital
- Required economic justification for tax changes
- Implemented "Women Owned Business" contracting program
- Changed standards for determining broadband access
- Created a consumer-friendly credit card rating system
- Established a credit card bill of rights
- Expanded loan programs for small businesses
- Extended the Bush tax cuts for lower incomes
- Extended and index the 2007 Alternative Minimum Tax patch
- Closed the "doughnut hole" in Medicare prescription drug plan
- Expanded the Senior Corps volunteer program
- Required insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions
- Gave tax credits to those who need help to pay health premiums
- Required large employers to contribute to a national health plan
- Required children to have health insurance coverage
- Expanded eligibility for Medicaid
- Expanded eligibility for State Children's Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP)
- Required health plans to disclose how much of the premium goes to patient care
- Established an independent health institute to provide accurate and objective information
- Implemented and fund proven health intervention programs
- In non-competitive markets, forced insurers to pay out a reasonable share of their premiums for patient care
- Eliminated the higher subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans
- Expanded funding to train primary care providers and public health practitioners
- Increased funding to expand community based prevention programs
- Reinstated executive order to hire an additional 100,000 federal employees with disabilities within five years.
- Set goals and timetables for implementing Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act
- Created a best practices list for private businesses in accommodating workers with disabilities
- Launched educational initiative for employers on tax benefits of hiring employees with disabilities
- Increased the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health professionals
- Expanded Veterans Centres in rural areas
- Fully funded the Veterans Administration
- Assured that the Veterans Administration budget is prepared as 'must-pass' legislation
- Expanded the Veterans Administration's number of "centres of excellence" in speciality care
- Expanded housing vouchers program for homeless veterans
- Fully funded the Violence Against Women Act
- Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court
- Saved the collapse of the American automotive industry by making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money to help the industry
- Better body armour is now being provided to our troops
- "Cash for clunkers” program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulates auto sales
- Ended media blackout on war casualties and the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB.
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has created 2.1 million jobs (as of 12/31/09).
- Ended previous policy of not regulating and labelling carbon dioxide emissions
- Ended previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back
- Ended previous policy on torture; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards
- Expanded vaccination programs
- Set timetable for exiting Iraq (already started removing troops)
- Increased student loans
- Cracked down on companies that deny sick pay, vacation and health insurance to workers by abusing the employee classification of independent contractor. Such companies also avoid paying Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance taxes for those workers.
- Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return “home” to visit loved ones
- Helped reverse a downward spiral of the stock market.
- Returned money authorised for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters
- The FDA is now regulating tobacco
- Authorised the SEALS to kill Osama Bin-Ladin
- Passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act (equal work for equal pay)
- Health Care reform
- Appointed two women to the Supreme Court
- Reduced the deficit
Anyway, that's some of it, and only the positives. Will put together a list of negatives to balance it out soon.