Fic: "Leave You" (Jack/Ianto) - 2/10

Jan 22, 2009 20:12

Title: Leave You
Author: Jedi Princess Clarrisani
Chapter: 2 of 10
Rating: R (M15+)
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto
Series: Breathe Trilogy (Part One)
Summary: After losing his two best friends during an alien attack, Ianto quits Torchwood only to end up in a train wreck
Disclaimer: Still don't own. I'm not allowed to play in that sandbox.
Warnings: Very, very, angsty. And I mean that. Also, some spoilers for the season two episode "Fragments" for Owen's story.
A/N: Written for TWWC (Torchwood Australia Writing Challenge) #9
. Song used for challenge is Mika's "Relax (Take it Easy)"
. This fic is AU to S2 as it was written during when S2 was airing.


From Part One


"Jack, we're picking up readings of alien activity."

Jack glanced up from where he was about to hit 'call' on his phone. "What kind of activity, and where?"

"On the other side of Caldicot." Tosh looked back at him. "It's some sort of energy wave."

"Caldicot?" Owen scowled. "Come on, Tosh. That's on the other side of Newport."

"Still in Wales," Tosh pointed out.

Jack slipped his phone back into his pocket, moving up behind Tosh and gazing at the map on her screen. "Train line?"

She nodded. "The 5:15 First Great Western service for Arriva Trains Wales just went through. I think whatever it is attacked the train."

"Why would it attack a train?" Gwen asked, looking up from her workstation.

"Many reasons," Jack answered. "Energy. Food. It was bored."

Gwen frowned. "We going to go look?"

Jack sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "We only just dealt with alien threat. It never rains but it pours." He shrugged, moving towards his office. "Toshiko, see how much information you can come up with. Gwen, help her. Owen, you better go grab your medical supplies. There's going to be some injured people out there."

They all chorused their acknowledgement, Tosh and Owen exchanging a quick look as Gwen went straight to work. Tosh raised her eyebrows, Owen rolling his eyes as he turned and made his way down into the autopsy bay, one hand already reaching for his phone.


Ianto gasped, pain sweeping through him as he jolted back into consciousness. Somewhere to the side he could hear shrieking and cries for help, the memory of what had happened coming back to him in a rush. He opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings and realising the carriage was still on its side, the window he lay half against just a network of cracks. Safety glass, he realised. Thank god for that.

His eyes darted to the side as the shrieking moved closer, and frowning he realised it wasn't the normal shrieking of shock and pain, but rather that of absolute terror. He should know - he heard it often enough. He tried to move, gritting his teeth as he realised his shoulder was dislocated. That most likely had occurred when he had fallen when the train had tipped onto its side.

He gasped as he managed to sit up, pain tearing through his body with each little movement. Hearing the tinkle of glass he glanced down, realising he was covered in it. He looked around, trying to regain his bearings and figure out where the glass had come from, only to remember that the woman on the other side of the walkway had had a bag of crystal vases and other items she'd probably bought at the Cardiff market.

He looked around for the woman, finding her just outside of arms reach. He didn't have to look hard to realise she was dead. She'd had further to fall than him when the train had tipped, the impact and angle of her landing snapping her neck. She'd most likely died instantly.

The screaming came closer, Ianto realising it was a couple of carriages up. It was by an old habit that he'd gotten on the last carriage. It was Lisa's fault, really. She'd had a belief that the safest part of the train was the rear carriage and always insisted they sat there, despite his protests that the first carriage had the smoothest ride. Even now, just over a year since her final death, he still sat in the rear carriage.

He pulled himself to his knees, shifting up against the back of the seat. He set himself, and with a sharp movement slammed his shoulder against it. He stifled a scream, giving a couple of choked sobs. Hearing another scream toward the front of the train, he reached for his gun only to curse softly as he remembered he had left it on his desk back at the Hub.

He shifted back to where he had woken, collecting himself and ignoring the pain. Hearing another shriek, he pushed himself up to gaze over the back of the seats quickly, noting for the first time that the front end of the carriage had been torn open. He frowned as he realised it was unnatural dark for the hour, and his eyes widened as he saw a dark shape shoot across the narrow gap, causing him to drop back down.

He jumped as his phone rang, Ianto scrambling for it and glancing at the caller id. Seeing who it was, he hit receive. "Owen."

"Ianto, we need you, mate. Got some sort of alien activity out near Caldicot toward Chepstow. We think some sort of creature attacked the train."

"I know." Ianto pushed himself into a corner, closing his eyes at a fresh round of shrieking. "I'm on the train."


To Part Three

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