Welcome to the ASOIAF minor character fic-a-thon!
Ever bemoaned the lack of fic for your favorite minor character? Well now you can prompt away to your heart's content, and maybe, someone will gift you with a fic!
- All characters should be from GRRM's A Song of Ice and Fire and associated materials, or the HBO adaptation
- While a major character can be included in your prompt, the fic should be written from the minor character's point-of-view or should heavily feature the minor character.
- Pairings, gen-fic, kinky fic, art and graphics - all sorts of prompts and fills are welcome here!
- Leave a character/pairing and some sort of prompt below and wait for it to be filled.
- When you leave a response, please include a rating in your title line, along with trigger warnings.
- Please mark all NSFW responses!
- Be nice and respectful to each other!
But What Makes A Minor Character?:
That is a difficult question. For the purposes of this fic-a-thon, let's say that all POV characters with more than one chapter are not minor characters. Also not minor characters are all of the Kings involved in the War of Five Kings. Basically go with your gut on what defines or doesn't define a minor character. If you have any questions on whether the character you want to prompt for is minor or not, please put your question in the questions thread below!
Small List of Minor Characters to get Ya'll Started:
Jeyne Westerling, Roslin Frey, Big Ben Plumm, Genna Lannister, Kevan Lannister, Melisandre of Asshai, Thoros of Myr, Janos Slynt, Dacey Mormont, Wylla Manderly, Elia Martell, Teyne Sand, Myrcella Lannister, and many many more!