Feb 11, 2007 17:40
Wow - over 10 members already! Thanks guys!
Because I am too impatient to wait until the 22nd for our first voting period, I'm going to throw a mini-contest at you! This challenge will be a little different than what we will normally be doing - look at it as a warm-up.
You have until Thursday, the 15th at 9 p.m. EST to enter. Here are the guidelines:
•I'm going to go out of sequence this one time, and give you the letter O! The subject of your icon must be one of the following: a character whose first or last name begins with the letter O, a film that starts with the letter O, or an aspect of a particular film that begins with the letter O.
•You may only enter ONE icon for this mini-contest.
I'll post the entries on Thursday evening, and you'll have until Saturday, the 17th to vote. That's when we'll begin our regular contest with the A's!
Submit your entries to this post, in the format specified on the user info page. Comments will be screened. Go to it! :)