Challenge #20: The Letter V!
This week you'll be hunting for subjects that begin with the letter "V". You may:
• Use a film that begins with the letter V.
• Use a character whose name begins with the letter V.
• Focus on an aspect (from any film) that begins with the letter V (for example, during "D" week, you could focus on a dog featured in any movie). These "aspects" must be specific, tangible things from the film, and not general themes (for example, you would not be able to use the theme of "friendship" during "f" week).
• Please remember that actors'/actresses' names do not qualify. No director's names either, please. Also, remember that our cut-off date is 1975.
• Don't forget to tell me what "V" stands for!
If you need ideas, stop by our resources page. Happy hunting, and good luck!
You may submit up to 3 icons for this challenge. The submission deadline is
Thursday, 30 August at 16:00 PM (GMT). Submit your entries as comments to this post, providing a link to your icon and the url. You may also submit questions here, but please post them separate from your entries!
Because the results of Challenge 19 were up so late, I'm running this challenge until 30 August so that everyone has enough time to get their icons in. ♥
Get those entries in! :)
Current Entries: 3