i have one heart. and one mind, that is no longer numbed. im not afraid of living exposed. in fact, im comfortable with the lack of sociality in my life. its refreshing the way people keep to themselves. i have a best friend. he takes the world off my shoulders. he remains a constant in this fake highschool bullshit that were all stuck on. he takes stress. he takes rumors. he takes betrayal away. i have a boyfriend with more honesty in him then anyone ive ever met. he has grown, and become someone that i can build off of. someone that i cant describe in words. as i have changed him, he has changed me. for the better and there isn't a love stronger and more powerful than that. as i am sixteen, i feel like ive lost a part of that childish idiocy. the desire to attain friends and be all that a child can be. there is no success in holding yourself back. well, recklessly perhaps. fullfillment is what i sought, and there by found. it isn't easy to understand, especially wrapped in the relentless and ridiculous world that is a montage of school and friends. it is what we look forward to everyday. and i once did as well. i relied on the comfort of other people without having it in myself. the truth of the matter is, they wont be there when i graduate. they wont be there in college. they wont be there after our lives take us in different directions, as it always and rightfully does. so to lose their closeness earlier isn't such a loss anyway. the people who refrain from judgement are those who deserve highest praise. the friend that actually sticks by your side. the mom who always forgives. the class of people who enjoy you and not what they think you should've been. ive come to find respect in different people not because they've made the best decisions, but because they'll never judge. they are happy people.