ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bun nah bun nah bun nah bun nuh......

Apr 05, 2004 16:10

amelia was not at school today and i was mad because eddie came to our school today and he is boys are hott.....on wenesday i am spending the night at sarah's and we are skipping school thursday to hang out with preston because he is hott too.....yes sarah is going to scan a picture of him so all you kids can see his ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

cani_followyou April 5 2004, 15:42:42 UTC
Man i missed eddie now im angry but im sure he will be back helping wierd little kids with thier studies. what a good little hott bl kid he is.


classic_late April 5 2004, 15:54:54 UTC
i know......i mean those bl boys man.....we should ask ms higgins to make us one of those sheets like she did for erica so we can get in....because we both know i am not going to arts.....<3


__ragdoll__ April 6 2004, 07:52:43 UTC
come visit for a day!! i'll get you a sheet!!
who's your sister?
we'll snag you a "hot bl boy"
but i promise they are a rare breed.
almost extinct.


classic_late April 6 2004, 14:16:55 UTC
yes i so want to visit i will bring you sisters name is emily she says she sees you talking to mary kate in one of her classes.....<3


x_modernromance April 6 2004, 14:15:07 UTC
oh those bishop lynch boys. <3 can't wait.


classic_late April 6 2004, 15:34:12 UTC
yeah lucky little can see the cute kid we stock every day....and you will hang out with morgan and jennifer....and frama will beat you....ha....<3


x_modernromance April 6 2004, 15:49:58 UTC
you know it. haha.


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