Name: Stephanie
Age: 15
Location: Home of the 2010 Olympics... woohoo!
All About You
Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: helpful, funny, down-to-earth
Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: excitable, restless, reserved (unless I'm with my good friends)
Strengths: I'm always there for my friends, I give good advice, and I'm great with song lyrics :D
Weaknesses: I'm sooooo nosey (it's actually pretty disgusting), I get upset easily, I'm clingy (at least, I worry that I am)
Favorite Modern Band(s): ... modern? Uuuh, Mika... is Queen modern? Well, I like them... the Beatles are my all-time fav, though
Any other favorites (books, movies, TV, etc): Haha, I love South Park. The Nightmare Before Christmas is my fav movie. As for books... I read too much to tell you my faves
Talents and/or Hobbies: I'm good with music. I play guitar, drums, bass (not very well... I'm working on it...) and UKULELE hahaha! I'm also artsy-fartsy :D Oh, and I play rugby <3
What song or quote can you best identify with?: Lots of Beatles songs... but probably Love Today by Mika and God Only Knows by the Beach Boys (for my bestie <3)
Do you care if you are voted as a band or solo artist?: ... no, not really, no
This is right after my band performed at some theatre thingy... myself on the left, and our very talented drummer on the right
Hey, I'm playing Blackbird :D
Hahaha, just for the lulz