Stamped as LANA TURNER//Matchmaker Theme

Feb 23, 2009 02:16

Name: Ginger
Age: Secret ;)
Previously Stamped As: Lana Turner
☆Do you want to be matched with a male or female?☆ Definately a male ;) Yay for men. The little dears ;)

☆About You☆
Three positive adjectives that describe you: Girly, Witty, Sweet (when I wanna be ;) )
Three negative adjectives that describe you: Picky, Demanding, Vain
Likes Classic--movies, music, nightclubs, clothes, men, design, etc. Cooking, shopping, watching and listening to the aforementioned classic movies and music, acting and singing myself, watching history documentaries, babysitting my little baby second cousins, playing poker and blackjack, decorating, doing anything for a laugh, and desperately trying to turn back the clock on Holllywood and Las Vegas, and eventually the world lol
Dislikes Anything and everything modern (...except TiVo, Wii, and computers lol), modern dress, music, movies, actors, singers, slang, attitudes, and on and on. And since this is about matchmaking, boys who cry or are clingy or wimpy.

☆Your Other Half
What are the main attributes you look for in another half? Dark hair and eyes with a sturdy, athletic build (not bulging muscles, but, a nice build lol), someone tough and rugged, but that appreciates and wants nice things, a man that other guys want to have a beer with yet the ladies chase after, I would like to be an actress and make movies with my guy, so, though I like famous men, I like them to, while they appreciate how amazing it is to be someone famous and such and be thankful for it, doesn't take it seriously and sort of has it in the back of their mind that they're not doing a hard job and some movie they make ain't gonna effect the cosmos lol, someone that can take care of a gal, a family guy that doesn't so much look the part, someone funny, stoic, sweet, and just all around a good guy.

Good Points which attract you to a man?I like men that are men (some women tend to call them sexist lol), men that want to be married and have kids (but in no way to do I mean those dads that go to PTA meetings--I like men that say that's the mother's job and goes to play golf instead lol), men that are loyal, have a traditional values system, dresses nice but don't try too hard at it, likes nice things and spending money but isn't ostentacious but tasteful, men that value their good name, are patriotic (I have no idea, but that turns me on LOL), men that will usually answer a complaint about life(especially from another man) with "Suck it up", men that don't cry, I love a nice cowboy, but I also like a nice silk cutsom-tailored suit, men that aren't afraid to do some dirty, man's work, but get a manicure so you can't tell it, men that maybe would rather kill themselves than read the great American novel but have a quick wit (meaning wit as in ha-ha wit, but also someone with some common sense and street smarts), are successful, and can have their choice of the ladies but pick me cos he thinks I'm darn cute and darn special and he's darn lucky ;)

Bad Points which attract you to a man? I don't think men I'm attracted to have any bad points lol. I'm not one of those complicated girls, falling for a "bad boy" all the time to try and "fix" him. Dark and handsome, famous, rich, sweet, macho--all good lol. But, the men I generally fall for, lots of girls fall for, and lots of girls throwing themselves at your man can present problems--most men can only so no to so many gorgeous girls lol; they can go to town, as it were, all they want before they're married (in fact, it's weird if they don't--and I play by the rule the opposite is true for girls) but once a girl hooks him, it should stop lol. I fall for good, down to earth yet a-cut-above, successful men. I suppose, though, some "bad" reasons behind my attractions can be: Most everyone I fall for is 1) Married (which I think makes men SO attractive, because I want men to want to get married--though I'd never be the "other woman" lol) 2) A LOT older than me/Have moved on from this rodeo, so to speak lol, and 3) I have been called a gold digger lol (but money is just part of the "perfect man" formula lol ;) ). Some of my friends with different tastes also sometimes find the guys I like to be arrogant and/or cocky, flirty, sexist, and "too old-fashioned".

What are his good habits He takes care of his business, he works hard, he makes sure he and his have the best
What are his faults With the "rugged, stoic" quality I like, you can also get what some might call a "standoffish" impression
What kind of looks do you go for? Dark and handsome, sturdy, broadshouldered type build. Polished, but rugged--you could cast him in a western or in a slick, hip comedy.
Do looks matter or do you look for something else? Looks matter. A lot. So do money and fame XD (I kid...not really...) (I should caution, some people may think when I say that, that I like the disgusting models that are around now, but I don't lol. I think little scars or wrinkles or other little unique things make men look good--you know, handsome, with some "character" that makes them, them. You know, you would know their cartoon version as soon as you saw it in those Warner Brother or Paramount cartoons lol. And generally speaking, since 99.9% of men I find attractive I have seen their looks change from a teen to their 70's or 80's, I find that an undeniably, truly handsome man is always handsome, 20 or 70. And, if you gave me the choice between the 20 year old verison and the 40 year old version for a one night stand (if I partook in those LOL), I'd take the 40). But just as important is being a "good man"--having all the traditional "male" characteristics, chivalry, etc., and so does a good sense of humor. I like men with good core values, that are traditional, and that are responsible but fun.

Brave or Coward Brave
Modern or Old Fashioned Old Fashioned. X's 1349827
Are You more Lustful or Loving? Loving
Moody or Happy Happy
Pessimistic or optimistic Optimistic (but I prepare for the worst lol)
Home or Adventure Home
Impulsive or think things through Both
Romantic or Not I'm romantic, but I prefer men to do "sweet" things, because they're far too manly to cook me dinner and light candles LOL . You know, send me something from Tiffany's--it okay if you don't take the time to sign the romance card LOL.

☆Your Other Half☆
Brave or Coward Brave
Modern or Old Fashioned Old Fashioned
Is He more Lustful or Loving? Loving
Moody or Happy Happy
Pessimistic or optimistic Optimistic
Home or Adventure Home
Impulsive or think things through Thinks
Romantic or Not Not

What do you do together? Movies (out and at home), he'd have to play cards because I think I have a gambling problem lol, a lot of "at home" time type stuff. I *really* would love to be a Hollywood couple, so I'd like to make movies or sing or something with him.
Do you enjoy spending all your time with him or do you spend most of your time apart It's important to like to and really want to be together, but I have to have my time apart. And if he's any kind of man, he'll want the heck away from his girl for alone and/or guy time sometimes lol. But, epecially if you're married, you should always make sure to save a little time to be together, even if you don't do anything but have dinner at home. In other words, I think as a couple you should want to be together, even if you just sit there and don't talk, but it's healthy to have other activities. You know, like golf and shopping, his and hers lol (though I do like to play some golf...cute outfits LOL)
What would you do for valentines day/anniversaries? do you celebrate these events? Well now that would depend of whether you mean a married or dating couple LOL ;) . Presents, kisses, nice dinner, a movie or something. I celebrate everything, lol (Christmas in July, anyone?)
Who would most likely start arguements? I'm not a big arguer, but I would say probably me. Because I want a man that his word goes...but that doesn't mean it'll always go quietly (You know, like when "Lucy and Ricky" argue? I'm a lot like her LOL)
Who would most likely end arguements? Him
If your other half cheated would you forgive him Probably. If he had a passionate affair with one woman that he bought presents for and wined and dined, maybe not so much. A cigarrette girl whose name he never knew and he never saw but once, moreso.

☆Anything Else☆
I think that covers it :)
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