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Name: Iulia
Age: 23
Location: Romania
☆About You☆
Three positive adjectives that describe you: Outspoken + creative + energetic
Three negative adjectives that describe you: Emotional + pessimistic + egocentric
Interests and Talents: I love books (reading them, commenting them, criticising them, and perhaps... writing them one day), cinematography, arts (drawing, painting, collages, photography), traveling and foreign languages (towards which my career is actually oriented - I am training to become an interpreter). As for talents... I'm good with people, I learn fast, I have a very good memory and I'm extremely adaptable.
Strong Points: Charisma, wordiness, creativity, vivid imagination, determination.
Weak Points: Lack of trust, lack of self-confidence, stubborness, always trying to prove myself right.
Likes: Coffee with milk and extra sugar, Asian food, traveling, learning foreign languages, the smell of new books, the feel of old books, sincere compliments, boots, horses and tall dark troubled men.
Dislikes: Violence, rudeness, dirt, obsessions, lies, broken promises, weak characters.
☆More About You
What are your dreams for the future?
I'd like to finish my MA and pass the test in Brussels, and then become a freelance interpreter for the EU. I'd like to earn enough money to pay my parents back - at least partly - for my apartment. I'd like to make ammends and perhaps to save my relationship, and more than anything I'd like a rebond with my family and old friends.
What does Love mean to you?
At this stage I can safely say it's a struggle, as much a blessing as it is a curse. Once it grasps me it keeps me trapped, it confuses the heck out of me and usually leaves me battered behind. Yet for some reason it's an addiction and I don't seem to be able to stop thinking of it.
What is your view on relationships, friends, family etc.
Relationships are a sensitive subject at the moment, and I`d rather not talk about them. My family... is weird, and is usually conflicted, but it`s mine, and I`ve recently discovered how much it matters to me. I`m trying a rebond with its members now, although I`m not very sure I`m good at it. Friends play a central part in my life, and I don`t know where would I be without them.
What do you look for in your other half?
Tenderness, reassuring gestures, wordiness, intelligence, passion, understandment, mutual agreements. And maybe curls.
If you could change one thing about you, what would it be?
I`d stop being so selfish.
Put in order from most important to least the following: Family, Friends, Success, Money, Sex, Love, Possessions, Freedom.
Love - Freedom - Family - Friends - Sex - Success - Possessions - Money
A quote/lyric/song/saying that's important to you?
If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, they`re yours forever. If they don`t, they`ve never been to begin with.
Colour: Blue, all shades.
Animal: HORSE, panda, felines.
Season: The fall, with its colours and fragrances.
Time of Day: Dusk.
☆This or That☆
Brave or Coward: Brave, though sometimes I did react like a coward.
Night or Day: Night (I`m more productive then)
Determined or Accepting: Determined
Accepting Fate or Choosing your own Destiny: The latter. Having to put up with the former makes me sick.
Home or Adventure: Adventure!
Optimistic or Pessimistic: 50-50.
Impulsive or think things through: EXTREMELY IMPULSIVE.
What is your style in fashion?: It depends. I`m casual. I like comfortable clothes, but I do enjoy adding up accessories to spice things up. I like skinny jeans, flats, long t-shirts or sweaters, boots, leather, checked shirts, but I can cope with wearing dresses and skirts if I feel like it.
Are you more girly or tomboy: Halfway.
Which would you prefer to be? Blonde Bombshell, Brilliant Brunette or Fiery Redhead?: FIERY REDHEAD FTW!!!
☆Anything Else☆