Title: Twisted Time
birddiSeries: TOS, DS9, TNG, VOY, all the movies are mentioned, pulls one character from TOS books Yesterday's Son and Time for Yesterday, and touches on several books and one audio book all involving Q.
Characters/Pairings: Kirk/Spock, Mentions of various canon pairings and friendships, every character I could fit in or mention is there as well.
Rating: R
Warnings: Uhm, Q? Sometimes I think he deserves a warning. ;) Also, this is something of a Fix-it.
Word Count: 15,030
Summary: When Data sacrifices himself to save the Enterprise-E he ends up thrown through time to land in a meadow 5,000 years or so in the past. Now it is up to Zar to talk the Guardian of Forever into getting Data home again, but the Guardian seems to be on the fritz and doesn't land them where or when they expected. With Data having power surges and Zar struggling to keep them moving, the Guardian of Forever sets in motion events to help his favorite being's existence, but will it mean the destruction of the future?
Notes: (optional)
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Illustration by
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Fanmix by