The Crusade

Aug 08, 2010 03:20

Previous: The Web Planet

The Crusade

This looks like it's going to be a half-reconstruction (and I need to remember that it's just "The Crusade," singular).

The reconners got another opening presenter! I wonder who this is...


One day, I will finally get it fixed in my brain that "Russell" has TWO L's at the end. BAD intended-English-major, Hannah. BAD.

The TARDIS engine sounded completely different this time, but it also only sounded for about 2 seconds.

Awww, bird-hat! Hat for a bird!

Ambush! Barbara-capture! Tackling-Ian! Hitting-somebody-with-a-cane-One!

Wait. Barbara is being bound and gagged. HOW MANY MINUTES ARE WE INTO THIS STORY??


So Barbara meets RICHARD I and the first thing she says upon learning this is "but I thought King Richard had red hair!" This show.

Oh wait, it's not the real king, just a decoy-ish.

Well, it sure wasn't long before that whole pass-off-Barbara-as-the-king's-sister ploy backfired in their faces.

Sneaky thieving One is thieving.

Wow. Double-backfiring. Maybe Barbara will be free to go now. But probably not, for Plot Demand reasons.

There sure are a lot of guys being thrown around in this story. Oh, nice hat, Vicki.

Ian, maybe you should listen to One and NOT bother Richard when he's angry and throwing fruit at the wall.

And we're back in reconstruction territory again.


I'm surprised they're able to pass Vicki off as a pageboy. ......wait, WHEN DID THEY START PASSING VICKI OFF AS A PAGEBOY?

Wow. When Jean Marsh said that she and Richard III were acting like there was something incestuous going on, she wasn't kidding.

"A never-ending story...what am I going to do?" I really need to watch that movie properly one of these days. I read the book 3 years ago.

Almost sounds like she's an English teacher now instead of a history teacher.

These telesnaps are actually fairly decent quality, especially compared to the Moonbase ones I saw last month (different recon group though)

"In the name of God, St. Michael, and St. George, we dub you Sir Ian, Knight of Jaffa. Arise, Sir Ian, and be valiant."

That scene had its own dramatic mood music and everything. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO BURNINATE IT.

Uh oh, sounds like people at the market are beginning to identify One as the cloth thief from last episode...

"I almost wish I'd been knighted, too."
"Oh, that'll be the day."
Trust me Vicki, it'll happen. Actually I think it happens more than once.

Still kinda blanking on the logic One used to convince people that he didn't steal the clothing.

So is Barbara going to be captured and dragged places in EVERY EPISODE this story? I certainly hope not.

"Next Episode: The Wheel of Fortune." .........what.

So it looks like the Barbara-grabber from last episode's cliffhanger is actually trying to help her.

They still think Vicki is a boy, which makes me chuckle a little at the face she makes when that guy's hand gets too close to her boobs.

Honestly, I'm a little surprised no one's mentioned that yet: you can still tell she has a chest.

Actually, the clothes-dude seems to touching her everywhere else too. THANK YOU One for putting a stop to that o__O

And now Joanna's in on the secret. She does not approve of these shenanigans, but at least she'll keep Vicki safe now.

"A girl dressed as a boy? Is NOTHING understandable these days?"

Awwwwwwwww, One and Vicki have such a cute surrogate-grandfather/grandchild relationship. Even moreso than Susan, even.

Uh oh, Barbara's been given a knife. Chekhov's Knife, perhaps?

Barbara's rescuer keeps his own daughter in ignorance of the truth behind their family's death. There's false hope, and then there's this.

Is Barbara Wright gonna hafta stab a bitch?


That wasn't much smarter. What exactly did you hope to accomplish by sneaking out to where the guards were and not really doing anything?

Or maybe she was just deliberately hoping to get captured so that they'd take her away and stop searching for the daughter.

Awww, sleeping!Ian's kinda cute...except for that guy reaching to steal his sword and...REACHING FOR HIS CROTCH?

Oh wow, hello Vicki! You look about 10 years older in that outfit!

Joanna seems to be the official Non-Approver of These Shenanigans this story. She will NOT be married off for political gain. You go, girl!

"There is a higher authority than yours to which I answer!"
"I am the king! Where is there any man who has higher power over his subjects?"
"In Rome. His Holiness the Pope will not allow this marriage of mine to that IIIIINNNFIDEL!!"

Joanna has become one of my favorite one-shot characters in the Classic Whoniverse. She's topping Romana in the not-taking-shit department.

If Jean Marsh plays Sara Kingdom ANYTHING like the way she plays Joanna, I think I'm going to be quite fond of her indeed.

Barbara, why are you so consistently amazing at everything?

Ian seems to be inadvertently channeling Gulliver here. Except instead of tiny Lilliputians, he's surrounded by regular-sized bandits.

Yikes. I can see why this story wasn't sold to Arab countries.

The other daughter that was kidnapped for the harem! I'd completely forgotten about her!

So one of the surviving clips from this episode happens to be a hawk flying overhead. Forgive me if I fail to see the logic behind this.

Okay Ian, he's freed your foot. Now would be a great time to kick him or something.

Excellent. ESCAPE TIMES!

Or pinning-your-captor-to-the-ground-and-threatening-him-for-information-time, that works too.

Uh oh, one of the harem girls is going to rat out Barbara. Of course, there's only 10 minutes left, so not much more can happen to her.


This might just be the most unique mode of rescuing the Doctor ever used by a companion: accusing him of murder and pretending to kill him.

Sounds like the TARDIS engine is back to normal, although it's being overpowered by the music.

"Poor Sir Ian, brave fellow, spirited away by a fiend. What dreadful anguish and despair he must be suffering now." Oh, if only you knew...

Ah, footage! This must be the beginning of the next episode.

And it looks like we won't be getting closing remarks from Old!Ian. Oh well...

Next: The Space Museum

earth, vicki, ian, first doctor, barbara, reconstruction, historical

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