The Tomb of the Cybermen

Oct 26, 2010 04:16

Previous: Season 4: The Evil of the Daleks

The Tomb of the Cybermen

Oh, Pat's titles. How long has it been? Not since...the last time I watched an Every Doctor Who Opening video.

"Well, what do you think?"
"I don't know! I can't believe it! It's so big!"
VICTORIA! I haven't seen you since...the last time I saw this!

Also, the less said about how *massive* a double-entendre that last tweet was, the better.

"Try to give us a smooth take-off, Doctor." JAMIE. Cling-counter: 1

Yeah, thanks the the influence of my Tumblr friends, I'm compelled to count the number of Two/Jamie clingings in this story :3

Huh. The music turned off when they turned the detonation knob down. And then there was a quarry-s'plosion!

Just like The Moonbase, this has a remarkably diverse crew for the time, including nationality, race, and...FINALLY A WOMAN!

"Look at him. 'Archeologist' written all over him." Actually, he points and laughs at archeologists. Wait...archeologist? Two? Seriously?

Jamie, I fail to understand how you could've "not had much exercise lately" while traveling with the Doctor.

Is anyone else less-than-okay with the fact that the one person labeled a "servant" here is a black guy? Racefail much?

Hand-holding! Cling-counter: 2.

"You look very nice in that dress, Victoria."
"Thank you. Don't you think it's a bit..."
"A bit short? Oh I shouldn't worry about that, look at Jamie's."
"Hey, I'll have you know that...oh, aye!"

The woman with the giant hair and the accent practically SCREAMS "secretly a bad guy." It's been a while, so I honestly don't remember.

Wobbly sets are wobbly. #pointlessobservationispointless

"We do not need any other protection now that you are with us." Or she could just be hitting on that other guy.

"I wonder what this is." That, my dear Victoria, appears to be a BFG: a Big Fucking Gun.

"Revitalizing is just what I need." WAIT. NO. VICTORIA. DON'T GET IN THAT THING.

Whew. Okay. Good. That was close.

Raising caterpillars? Oh hello cybermat!

That giant glowing wheel with the dial in the front control room kinda looks like something from a game show...


And apparently I was right about that woman being a villain.

Uh oh, and now Jamie's falling victim to the giant hypno-wall.


Okay. Let's see if I can get through this next episode WITHOUT the fire alarm going off for the THIRD TIME THIS HOUR.

So that Cyberman was just a mock-up after all. I thought it coming out on a track like that was just a little odd.

"It's certainly inactive, but it's not a fossil." And out comes the 500 Year Diary!

Putting the cybermat in your bag. Umm...yeah, smart move, Victoria.

I'm a bit surprised Jamie and Victoria aren't taking up the offer to spend the night in the TARDIS, considering all the crazy. Then again...

"Hey, let the Doctor pass or I'll..."
*Toberman grabs the Doctor's shirt*
"...yes, well, let the Doctor pass."

The hatch is open! Time to traverse into the titular tomb...

Ah yes, welcome to Meals of the Future, Victoria.

I wonder if we'll ever find out what the coffee was drugged with, but I'll bet it's the cybermat making Victoria drowsy right now.

On the other hand, Weird Accent Lady did say "you've *barely* touched your coffee,'" so maybe Victoria did get drugged.

Is Cyberman melting tiems nao?

Cling-count: 3 (although that was completely expected and justified, so maybe it doesn't count)

Awww, wook at da widdle cyburmat. Scoot scoot scoot...

And the Cybermen emerge from their entombment, in that sequence that even scared the crap out of Peter Davison as a child. I can see why...

Victoria Waterfield: Shooter of Cybermats. Oh hells yeah.

"You belong to uzzz. You shall be like uzzz."

"Then why close the hatch on them? It doesn't make sense, Vic."
"I didn't! And PLEASE stop calling me 'Vic'!"

Wow. Pat is REALLY short compared to the Cybercontroller.

Oh neat, we actually got a connecting plot point to the events of The Moonbase.

Grabby Cyberman are grabby, and only Jamie escapes!

Whoops, now he's been zapped. And...I just realized: how exactly are his legs not freezing? I mean, he's got knee-socks but...that kilt.

Usually I don't approve of exaggerated or pointless-ish companion screaming, but sometimes they make excellent distractions.

Hatch is open! RESCUE TIME.

Jamie McCrimmon pawing at someone other than the Doctor? For shame!

Cling-counter: 4

Wow, the Cybermen seem to be particularly abusive of Toberman, don't they?

So now everyone's out except Klieg and Toberman and, aww Jamie got to save Victoria when whacking the Cyberman with the thermos didn't work.

Moar cybermats! And...guys, I really don't think we needed that close-up of multiple cyber-ass.

The first time I watched this I was pretty creeped out by the cybermats, but now they're actually kinda cute.

WAIT. OH MY GOD. THIS SCENE. And I forgot that it opened with such nice music.

I would quote this whole scene if I could, but instead I'll just do That Speech that stabs everyone in the d'awwww place.

"You probably can't remember your family."
"Oh yes I can when I want to, and that's the point, really. I have to really *want* to to bring them back in front of my eyes. The rest of the time they...they sleep in my mind, and I forget, and so will you. Oh yes you will! You'll find there's so much else to think about, to remember. Our lives are different to anybody else's. That's the exciting thing, because nobody in the universe can do what we're doing. You must get some sleep, and let this poor old man stay awake."
...Patrick Troughton, I would listen to you read the dictionary that was so beautiful.

I'm not sure what surprises me more: the fact that nobody heard the cybermats coming, or that Two is holding a gun.

Victoria was able to blast one earlier so...WHY can't she just tell the others to shoot them now? ...oh wait, the plot.

Ah, so THAT was the thing they were talking about on Tumblr where Pat started to say "Frazer" instead of "Jamie."

Partially-converted cyber-Toberman! And...the Cybermen are getting back in their pods?

Considering all the .gifs I've seen of that head-pat, it was surprisingly quick. Seriously, like...less than a second. Oh well...

Cling-counter: 5

They're actually helping the Cybercontroller into the machine...cling-counter: 6

And now he's trapped! Cling-counter: 7

"If the Cyberman is aroused, we shall be ready for him." #doubleentendresididntneedtoheartoday

lol cardboard

Dead bitch is dead.

And suddenly, Toberman was a serious frigging badass. Time to THROW SOME CYBERMANS.

Huh. If you look closely when Jamie's pushing the dead Cyberman down the hatch, you'll see it's pushing itself down a little.

Aww, Toberman doesn't want to leave his dead mistress. Also, there's a LOT of villains pretending to be asleep in this serial, aren't there?

Oh Jamie, you go down to check on Two and then you get captured. *sigh*

"Precisely...yes...Master of the World!"
"Well now I KNOW you're mad. I just wanted to make sure."

And then Klieg got Cyberman'd. Cling-counter: 8

Ewww...cyber-pus. Cling-counter: 9

"Last time, they were frozen for five centuries. This time, it must be forever!" Oh. You. Just. Wait.

And Jamie trips on the stairs...cling-counter: 10

"When I say 'run'" Two and Jamie vs. Cybercontroller. WHO SHALL WIN?

And Toberman goes out with a good solid heroic sacrifice. Good on you, mate.

A single cybermat escapes, leaving the door open for the next cyber-attack. That would be...The Wheel in Space, right?

Yet another serial I've seen part of but need to re-watch the whole thing (this time with the recons).

Next: The Abominable Snowmen

victoria, space, future, cybermen, jamie, other worlds, second doctor

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