Previous: Kinda The Visitation
By the way have I mentioned that I'm REALLY glad they don't do the faces in the intro in the new series? Because it seems inherently creepy.
Shooting stars! And...fireworks? This being Doctor Who, I can only assume that it's really a spacecraft.
Wow. What with the dim lighting and multiple characters with long hair, it's actually a little hard to see who's a guy and who's a girl.
"We are under attack!"
"From whom?"
"From whatever THAT is!"
...sweet holy freaking what IS that?!?
And now we're magically inside the TARDIS! Let's see who we've got...
Hello, Adric. Okay, I know you're going to die in a few episodes so you don't have that much time to impress me.
Getting told off by Five in his first line of the episode isn't helping your case. Oh, hello Nyssa!
Also, why do Peter Davison's eyes remind me of Matt Smith? Maybe it's a common thing for Doctors in their late 20's.
"Poor old Adric. Always in trouble."
"And I try so hard..."
...why do I find this a remarkably powerful character introduction?
Hello, Tegan! Getting made-up, are we?
Wow. It feels REALLY weird seeing two women in the TARDIS. Also, I wasn't expecting Tegan to be taller than Nyssa. Not like THAT tall.
I imagine the fanboys' Les Yay radars were freaking out a little just now.
Having an important talk with my companions? This requires THE WEARING OF A HAT.
Wow. Five's barely done anything and I love him already. (Umm, Hannah...HOW many times have you watched Time Crash by now?)
I think that's the first time I've seen the Doctor pull out a gun, and just for the sake of illustrating that it is, in fact, a gun.
So is the celery magnetically attracted to Doctor-wear? Because Five seemed to stick it back on fairly effortlessly.
"What do we say if the door is opened?"
Oral fixation? Another thing that Ten borrowed from Five?
Oh wow! The credits actually call him "The Doctor" now instead of "Dr. Who"! I forgot that happened in the Classic series at some point.
Fake wall is fake. Is how Doctor can walk through it :3
"That's stealing."
"I AM a highwayman, madam."
"This ISN'T a highway."
"What does that stuff taste like?"
"Ah...and what does THAT taste like?"
Oh, young, underage Adric...
Wait, so Five just leaves two of his companions UNCONSCIOUS with a HOSTILE ANDROID? WHAT I DON'T EVEN
Dammit. Why did Five have to end that sentence with a strange word. That would've been so quotable.
"He talks a lot about...Guilford. I think that's where he's from." I think that's the first time I've heard someone get "Gallifrey" wrong.
Mysterious Green Alien Monster Thing. Seems to be made of the same material as the reptiles from The Leisure Hive.
Seriously, this thing makes me want to facepalm almost as much as the Ice Warriors.
Wait why does that guy randomly have an American accent.
The solution to everything: blowing shit up.
So I JUST remembered that Tegan is supposed to be Australian, but I've heard no trace of the accent so far. Then again, I fail at accents.
"I'm dead. I'm afraid my frame was never designed for rapid acceleration." Hey man, don't follow the Doctor if you can't handle the running.
"Ah...the object of my desire..." Trust me, that sentence is creepier IN context.
Five's response to being confronted with a scythe: "...oh not again..."
So our heroes are saved by being "Wanted: Alive." Nice.
So they DO have bedrooms in the TARDIS! And pretty damn nice ones, too!
Crafty Nyssa with bomb-like box-thing. Let's see where this goes...
...oh wait, that's the sonic generator thing they're going to try and destroy the android with.
Also, have I mentioned that the android is question is remarkably jewel-studded for a weapon? Forgive me for making this joke but, FABULOUS!
Ooo! We're going to have a witch-burning! Except it's not a witch it's Time Lord and that can't be good uh oh...
Wait, so the scary death-mask thing is a good guy? Or is he just freeing Five and the actor so the Green Alien Thing can have them?
I was right about the latter, apparently.
Maybe it's just because I've had less than a serial's exposure to him, but I'm feeling more sympathy for Adric than annoyance so far.
So he gets captured by waiting bandits, prompting Nyssa to turn to the camera and gasp "OH NO!" ...seriously, guys?
Ah, the scary death-mask thing and the FABULOUS!android are the same thing.
C'mon Adric, you were able to somersault your way out of danger before, why can't you just do it again? Oh wait, they've already got you...
New Strange Image of the Day: Green Alien Thing wearing a Period Black Cloak. This show.
"Someday I must get a proper survival kit together." But you've got the SONIC SCREWDRIVER!
And didn't Ten say "you were pretty hands-free weren't you? Like, hey I'm the Doctor I can save the universe with a kettle and some string."
Ouch. That's like me being caught with my GameBoy after lights-out when I was little.
"I feel as though you've just killed an old friend!" Choice words, Five, considering Alien Thing just SET THE SONIC SCREWDRIVER ON FIRE O_O
Global extinction through mutated plague-rats? Remarkably period plan.
Random observation: is it just me, or do they list the companions in a different order in the credits each time?
Oh wow. I'd say Peter Davison is violating the "don't put your arm around your female companions" rule pretty damn hard right now.
"You'll be alright."
"How do you know that?"
Ladies and gentlemen, the Fifth Doctor has just fired a gun. Yes it was at a locked door, but HE STILL FIRED A GUN.
"You missed."
"I NEVER miss." *blows off the gunsmoke.*
Now that was an interesting shot, showing us Nyssa's testing of the sonic machine in a mirror reflection instead of the real thing.
"G'day!" ...okay, I think that's the ONLY Australian thing Tegan's done or said so far.
Is it just me, or is Five using all of his willpower to NOT smack Tegan in the face?
Okay, I'm a little confused. Death-mask scares the bandits away, Adric hides, death-mask leaves, Adric follows him...what?
Oh, I get it. FABULOUS!android was getting Adric to lead it back to the TARDIS. And it thrusts BOTH DOORS OPEN?
But Nyssa has the sonic engine in there, which means...JUST AS (not exactly) PLANNED!
And then there was a s'plosion! Nice work, Nyssa. Robot has been successfully pwninated.
You know, I really do have to admire Adric's immediate concern for his friends, but he always seems to want to go about it the wrong way.
Like...trying to fly the TARDIS by himself. Umm, yeah, that's smart. Just because something makes sense doesn't make it a good idea.
"Try and think what the Doctor would do if he were here."
"He'd probably get angry."
"I said empathize, not be silly."
Wait. He actually pulled it off. Well well well, Adric, color me impressed!
"Why didn't you say that's what you were looking for?"
"I wasn't looking for it until I found it."
Oh, Doctor...
Aww, and I was almost expecting a dramatic Big Damn Heroes entry.
Five started the Great Fire of London. Wow. Excellent for burning all the alien evidence, though.
Next: Black Orchid