Okay so I am a little late compared 2 everyone else but my work took most of my time
1. Bella pregnant OMG
2. The change in perspective of the book got to me ... and I didn't like it at some points cause I was getting impatient with Jacob telling the story and when he and Leah got close I thought he was going 2 imprint on her but sure that didn't happen.
3. Jacob imprinting on Nessie was like I knew especially when he left the room that Bella was in and he went to see Nessie for the 1st time and then the book jumped back to Bella's POV.
4. Bella transformation amazingly described
5. The honeymoon and their first night really together was kind of disappointing because it was how each was feeling before the action and then it jumped to the after part.
6. Edward's reaction to the news that Bella was pregnant was typical guy reaction so at that moment Edward was human.
7. OMG I loved Emmett's joke about Bella and Edward making love and how he and Rosalie had destroyed 3 houses in like there first 10 year as soulmates.
8. I was sad when Jasper and Alice left... I felt hopeless like everyone else.
9. The chapters when all the vampires and the wolves were in the clearing had me confused I read some pages twice to completely understand the interaction between the vampires.
10. I very much enjoyed the last chapter I enjoyed the last page when Bella shared her thoughts and they having Forever to practice.
11. Question were left unanswered
I wondered if Nessie and Jacob would be happily ever after? I wondered about each Cullen? I wondered about the Voltori ? I wondered exactly how much stronger would Nessie and Bella get later in life?
Well these are my thoughts
And now I can say Twilight is my fave since it is the beginning of Bella and Edward