Just a Random thought!

Sep 05, 2005 14:27

OK it really sucks but all my lj friends seem to have friends who they can watch classic movies with! I totally wished my friends had some taste or wish they were a little more open to new and diffrent things! No offensive (you know who you are)! I hate the "its in black and white excuse" I mean come on, grow up! There's a whole new world just ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

kathyselden September 5 2005, 20:39:25 UTC
I had practically NO friends in HS who watched old movies... maybe 2. You just kind of have to inflict them on people, haha.


classygirl2007 September 5 2005, 22:46:21 UTC
Really? At least you had 2! I have 0! I should try something!


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