Oh What a Beautiful Morning!

Sep 10, 2005 09:28

Well last night Brittaney came over and we tried to make her journal cool looking! Unfortunaly we were unsuccessful. Afterwards we went to Meijers. Out of all the things she returns cereal bars? I know her mom made her do it! Then we had to get a watch fixed. When we were finshed there we through the drive-threw at McDonalds and we got a hot fudge ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

glamorneverdies September 13 2005, 22:50:46 UTC
Is The Wedding Date the one with Debrah Messing?


classygirl2007 September 13 2005, 23:35:52 UTC
yeah it was an ok movie!


glamorneverdies September 13 2005, 23:43:10 UTC
I wanted to see it when it 1st came out, but i didnt and then i sort of forgot about it! hahaha


classygirl2007 September 13 2005, 23:48:31 UTC
Yeah lol I hate it when I do that! I really hate it when it's been out a long time too!


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